ptnpofe,.. it was now made ufe of, being fet up ore
fliore,. where-the-tente' were pitched'. The CMnefe-
who- refided- on the ifland'gcBre us no nroleftation ÉjÈÉjy
the Contrary, . they, were of great fervice to,- us, by lèmi-
ing us the ufe of their rope walfes,/ and afliftingus ton
make |cordage at a reafonable£ consideration.
Thelafe; three? months I refided.chiefly on lfliorcj,
completing a general furvey : of the Kerufe iflands,.
and tranfinitting a copy of them*. with* my proceedings
and future intentions, . £qt the information, ofi'
their Lordfhips-
I fhould estreraelÿ remife were .L' to-. ex—
prefling the particular politenofs and marked attention
I received fora Mr. Drummond' and 'Mr. 4 rthur,. two*-
gentlemen of the Englifli fàétory ; ahd^-stdi acknowledge^
in the highefi teçms, the refpedtful good. coriduéfe
of the Goycmqr,, Seigpor Don de Pûnto..
The following nautical obfepratioas were made here>
by Mr. Crofley^ the aftronomer,whohaddteatp)tched»
ip a ftnall bay, at the back of the village near ltocky.
Head in the Typa,
üatîtudë b y meridian obfëmtiôns, ■ ia.0 ' dp^o'V'N.
Longitude meân fltrf obferrelf «Hftaaçes, i r j® 3.3'. W &
By Angle altitudeLof the fun, taken by Mr. Crofley, c ^ p-
?'b«k’dime^piecie fjmade by Mw'Amdld), was '- p - - '
flbw-for-hiean tim'd- 7 on the Stirsof April April.
~at ndoh/'and gaining on mean time CT.419 per day; B
'TlifeiWde&f^efe 'fo Variable between- 9 h. and If h.,
full and /cliange^ ithere was. mo abfolutelyi fixing the
time, of high WMfes j
: Pldafentnbrfei&zes,-.arid fairs weather fioua the north- nth.
^Vardi I In the morning we gatmuter way, aud fainted
the fo rtlv ftW ^ l^ s 'fw e y feturnedan equal number.
We fifaCcv>:fail td l*fhe' eaftward, towards the Lantoe
p^«hg%; bdt ithe^ ebb‘tide having -made iftroUg, we
could not weather -tire final! -bland of Ohan^cheou,
wltldn half a mrie'fif itsmbrthent point0 Madaobeartng
Weflffifid Lin ting Ifland‘H. In theieremng,
with a light / a ir^ om d h e fedthwa-fd, :we ' weighed,
* -and foon A cafoi tb in hye fathorhs. j At day-light ***>-
Ling-ting bdre^N: 27° E.,* find tlM b h th point' of
’LantoeVS^ 60° E. ? In " this fltuation we waited the
■return <A the fchodner, with the' wind fouth-eafterly.
Variable weather, with heavy rains from the South, 13th.
and light winds.
z '2 Sanie