In the mórning we got under way,- and made fail
for the ifland of-Onehow, where- we. anchored in the
.afternoon at Yam bay, in 15 fathoms fandy bottom ;
the extremes bearing, from E. to S, *10?$E.',
one mile and a half from the; fhore. As I intended to
remain here but 48 hours, for the purpofe of procuring
yams, I Tent the boat on fhore after breakfâft, with a
final! tent, and three armed marines to, protect the
articles’they might procure, which* I thought would be
abundant, we had purchafed; but few on- board-
In the evening. I landed, and was forty to find fo fmall
a collection: willing, therefore, to make if.larger ƒ I
walked to fame of the plantations, but was told-there
was à general fcarcity over the ifland. ' On my return,
I met with a party which had juft come from Atoei,
and with them Tupararo, the man who was dirê<&bd
to follow us, that he might fupply üs with provifionS.
I ehquked after Hughes, the European. Tupararo
affured me he would join us in the morning, when u?e
fhotild have plenty of yams and potatoespbeggipg
me at that time to. come on fhore, and* to bring%ifh
me, as a prefent to him,’ fome red cloth. I told him,
the boat would be on fhore to bring offthè tentf&e.
when he might come on board to receive his prefents-
The midfhipman went on board at funfet, arid I
walked along fhore to the South, where the pinnaee
waited for me about one mile diftant., Only one of
.fbfi.'^tiy^^^pmpanieA.mejn .and I walked unmb-
lefted, mee,ting,feY^ral qf the inhabitants, till I reached
th,e boat, which was further off than I had imagined.
As had .viiited this ifland twice before, and many o f
the officers had made, fhooting, parties in th e interior,
I had not tfe leafl? fear for,
.event, which tqpk I
place’ the, ngxt day will fhe^ my fortunate efcape.
In the* forenoon I revived fome' yams from .an 30th.
elderly man, (who, itf\yas faid,',was father to Teavee :
I alfo received. fome^.p^oyjifiqns from Tupararo, .who.
l.rft the.fhip with a defign, as;he faid9j of fending me!!'
mor^ ^hej^utter was ordered to bring whatever he
te|ght havCyt^fend; and fhepmate was commanded,
to . go, Q3m.b1QreJwith two marines properly .armed, an-'
other'man to (barter, and the boat’s crew with a inid-
flripman to remain off; at a grapnel. They werefta-
tionedj^fo as'to affift in .cafe of need, to be upon their,"
guard,, and,; if any thing occurred, to malfp}g, fignaLg*
T^ey had not ^een.tgone an hour when I was aq,-,
quainted, by, the . officer on ^deck,. .that mpft o f the.,
caucus, were gone p n fhore, I therefore _gaye direq-,^-
^ lu4 ^ e 1 boafs f[gnal to vb,esmade : it |M
Pleven o’cloqk; we faw them ftrike tlie tent. »and im-
r, 2 . \ mediately