Wohahoo ïeeras molt favourable for à firft qftablifli^
ment, on account of the harbour ^ and in Wbytetee
bay, to.thecweftward of F air Haven,i is another which
is;fôrnied- in a large bafon when the reeth are prifffed'.
Pearls of a good, quality add Gzc are ; collected in this
bafon, vThe i ifland of Owyhee«hasalfo two. oy three
:haî*bours, .fentj theÿ eaa onl-y reeei«© friialbveflels.' if Thé
béft of them is in the diftriét of’Ahudo, on tire I eaft fidé
of thé ; ifland, a t which' the e n t r a n t is formed" b y 'a
reef .that, Captain-Cook lay s*;; in » feme 'degree endaa-
gered ^ d h ip ..
î In the afternoon we parted with our fricmds, making
fail‘for the ifland: of Atoûi,-where I purpfefed’ tosccrm-
pletp our water,. Gii-the‘following'day we ^anchbred
in Wymoa bay, in 23 fathoms ;T the* extremes’bearing
from S. 6Ô°< B. to N. off fh,ore; lf-mile. ?
Early in the morning we commencyed taking in oiir
water ; but the natives flrongly .maintained it was *pri-
vate property, and that we fliould riot take* any away
unlefs we paid for k
folution was reported to me, I fent an armed: force to
protect the watering party, and to convince; the natives
that I was determined to take whit they would
grant volnntariiy^llSn .coaaieqneirce of this meafure
jio: further obj®<9>iori'>was. made : .fome of the inhabitant^'
who alfifted' us. in.. filling -and: rolling the cafks,
were Ipald dor their trouble ; and our watering was
■completed in twentydoi r| ho urs.
> JTMs ifland, >flnoebwe laiCt .touched here;-'had been
entirely oonqueredbyT a;.ohief, namedTeayee,.: grand-
isui/iito Perorannde.! uIEhe. depofed :kan|,fl.fEinu)ree,
liv©d with -himydivefed of all power. ;:Wb faw no- -
thing<of‘£hem, as -«they wetfe,on the -other fufe' s&f ibhe
ifland., under fome! reflribtioiis of’the' taboo.: but we
undeiflobdr Orders had been font: over .to ' prevent the
felling 'of-any article', nnlefs we paid for it cither by
mrdquete noripowder ; u0f oonlfe’ we . made -no pur-
cliafes. A fhip from 3Jfiflol, called the:Ruby, had
bought hbg& !’i t this' price, and was the Only velMthat
had touchedv;.'jher.e . finee our doparturaj^excqpt the
:>LadyuWa)fhifigton twig** Onrihd levelling! of th e -^ ih ,
an European eamelonboard, whovfaid, a porfon worild
Jeomp -the nexltidayofrorii /the-jChief, with:dksdfciQri$fln
Cup ply rid w i t h < whoThad nio dbjqdticm vhen
■hfe i f J'vi® qurifhip whidh had*drnhedi:: tA&llbdid
riotlbe|iew this man’s ac©o®nt, I thought k ufelefs. «to ?
I waits britidefiped him do rifellbw* ms .to; r^ri^ow -with
Dwhateyer prcwiflons he ^bU|dip®ocure.'* *