book to the Eaft, and became.Heady.. As we purpofed td
<—»—-< reach Ri© Janeiro», we fleered more to, the wellward»
^pnd in lat. of, 23° S. fhaped oar courfe due Weft, in
feafch of an ifland'laid to lie in that parallel* ■
May i ft. Variable winds_in all directions. At day flight fiveftrange
fhips were difcovered.: they proved to be
Brazil merchantmen bound to Liflbon,.- and. had left
Rio Janeiro five days before.
ad. ■ Early this, morning the land .was J e e n j, and at noon
Cape Frio bore N. by W. eight Or nine. leagues; at
the ■ fauae time, wefonnded in 70 fathoms fine fand.
By our obferVations we. place this Cape in the lgt. of
22° 59' 41--S. long. 41° 53' 12" E.
|g*. The variablenefs of the weather prevented , our
reaching the entrance of Rio Janeiro harbour before
this day,' when we carné to an anchor in 28 fathoms
fandy bottom. Round' Ifland S. 88° W .; Sugar-loaf
Hill N._5>5° W .; extremes’ of Brazil coaft from N. 64°'
E. to S. 64° E. The weatlrer- was now calm.
6th< In the afternoon a pilot came off, a n d we got under
weigh; but calm weather obliged us to anchor
in, the entrance of the harbour. The next-.. day we
8 werewere
more foitunate, coming to an anchor; within the
ifland of Cobras m of fathoms. ■ There were lying
here a Porüiguéze fiigate, and feveral merchant fhips
of different nations. The Reliance, Captain Hunter,
faluted us corning in, which we returned with an equal
number of gun#.jjj
Wé.remained at Rio Janeiro till this day, having 24th.
employed ©urfelves in overhauling the rigging, >eahlk-
<ing the lhip, and prepa’ing.' fpr fea .in ,'e^ety : other
ïefpoét.'-. -The fhip’s crew i ^ O lcolïftaM” Tüpplied
with frethi/provifloris ; and) we puroh’afed mt a rgafon-
able rate wme, rum*-, and fugar. the procuring; |
thpfe articles wé’ had.myery indulgence we^oul.d'whh
T o r b u t wTe had alfo, the. mortification to- bo watched
by guardflmatg&day and night; nor-could any* offiger
land ynalefsrhe was att-egdedj fey a Port-ngueze officer of j
equal ranki Thef^jweflvi<fipns; Wère fo' unreafohaMy
fufpicious, that I went but ofteppn ftiore,|éi^èp-ty i th
Go\ einor Hunter to pay öur. refpeéts to the. Vicetoy, 1
The foil about Rio Janeiro is generally good, product
. ing,great crops of oranges,: pine-apples, melons; fugar-
•canes, and other tropical plants. - There is a | great
variety of birds ; fiich as parrots, Cockatoos, Tea-fowl,
tiopic and men-of-war birds. There are kinds
<of the monkey tribe ■; one. remarkably final], called
% . the