of if, a fmall rock- ; th ird if anti, S. 70° W. Tliefo
'—-•—’v two iflands arc high, but of no extent.
,1797- ■ ^tux'A - September
Soon after 1 h. the wind fliifted tb th e eaftward,
and blew a ftrong breeze, with dark cloudy weather.
The coaft of Infoo, formed a bay from the laiid^ and
we were a-breaft of it at noon, extending'to the North
feveral miles ; but the haze over the ftiore prevented
onr obferving any thirig diftindtlyi The landVas'in.
general high, and bare of wood towards the fea..
We puffed between the ifland, which at noon bore'
N.'N. W., and the north point of the bay, having a
dear paflage three or four leagues Wide,^ The ifland
was low at each extreme, and tolerably elevated r its
greateft extent two or three leagues, iii a N. E. and
S.W. direction. At ?h . it bore from S. 50° W. Jto
N. 67° W.; north point of the bay," N. th r^
leagues. The night was fqually, with threatening;
weather] and at midnight we brought to till day-
> light, when the extremes of Infoo extended from
N. 48° E. to S. 18° E .: the coail receding very~com
fiderably to the eaftward. The" ifland bore from
S. 8° W .; neareft land of Infoo, four or five miles.
Wd^xifadd TaiT to the N'. E., but- tub forenoon was € h a p .
valiabie^and caltrr at' times': at Iaft it'fixed 'in the ' —-—-*
eaftern .quarfcery^ ^ ^ ^ g ; Jr* 7 * T gygw vh* i * ■ se'jpmmib-er.
A junk accompanied Us, continuing the fame'cohrfe
along this cdkft." A iffmbn the* north ‘point* of the bay
we pafle'd" ye'ftei'day 'born South ; and me extreme,
*^2° tfeafed -rand', S. I’OHE/ two'or three
leagues; the* ifland, 'juft in'' fight,’ S?50f W. Current
22 mil§s, North.'
Strong'breezes,*, and/very fqually' weather; and'the ȣ-
gloominefe of the atmofphere, pre,vented oar /IVfliri-
guiftiing the 'coaft very'accurately. .Tire .country'appeared
highly ‘divemfied fry* hills and valli'esY but no ,
openings'promifing {belter'that we could difeern till ,
4 P.M. At 7 h.~we werre within two'leagues 'of the
land, fet at noon N. 52-'E.', 'which* males'/high;' de-
feending gradually to a low point'near the fea, off
which ils a fmall. ifland and a roc^ above water.
From the point the land of Infoo takes the direction
of N. 60° E.
At 8 h. the noon point bore’S. E. two leagues'; and
it became calm. At 9 h. the wind freflbtened up from
the eaftward, with gloomy weather,, which in theforenoon.