booE Our foundings• ftilldecrea^g.. to Jiefs.- than two
'—1— { fathoms, when it became expedient to tack. At this
September, time we plainly difeernedvery.dow land extending
lSth‘ over the N. E. part of what the mailer had; conceited
might he a pafiage - leading to th e i e a : . the nearetl
part*bore from us-N; E.vby E. three -or four miles,
and from thence to> North within the fouth point of
Chapman's Bay - (fo named from, the mafter)-;was i
continuation of fand-banks partly dry, with fome of
them full appearing . by riplings mpon theafii^eej
We were now'fully eonvjaced-fthere wasTno Opening tp-
fea in this direction, the whole being .clbfed by low
land, which we could plainly diflinguifh at intervals.;
behind the low land at a confiderable diftance we
obferved feme high land in a M.-E. direction. If auy
river empties itfelfhinto this bayy I ’lhop|d ih|^pfe«it
veiy inconfiderable, as we had no appearance of any
tide, nor any figns to lead us totfdfpeQ; there were an f
rivers On the coaft. As the mailer had reprefented the
My unfavourable, even fuppofiiig wecould get there;
which I deerhed from the fliallow water;leading to it
impracticable, without great rifk of thea veffeli; and
there being : no profpe& Of-any inhabitants. to get in-
' formation“'of, refpeCling the country, induced' me do
lofe no more time, as the equinoxes were approaching,
but proceed to the fouth ward, down the gulph we
were at prefent fo totally erftbayed ihy’ befdjfe the bad 'CHAP.
WeathferuGOuid ^nateTial}y>MfFe;(d!m'.; idPpI' ,,s—
| JM91-
• .SqaiaSafap?»
# ; ; and. at half pad 2-h. .to?! wore
iu'CQr old anchorage, having ruul life«'miic's,';'and grip-
W'ftMpiedwrthinit^d of-tlirefe leagues'of the thore.
The land in this part wa's*indented, and 'a- fmalkfocky
ifland lay^dffit. ■ The- wind” veeringcfeb, Eadi,*we
haulerf SfP’-to^hHereafef our dillanda?. fi6nahlhe land.
Was dory fquallyV and hvbdia'dWl) gllafedeil
of lightning and rain ; and fdrtifuatfely’ for uspas' the
gale incveafed, it came more northerly. ■ Jwe
SrBugftt dB d h ^ f e d diff - when H^oboifeup ,
with a-frefh gale and ‘continual *Vaiih' ' The ealleEn
land was feen tilLnear noon, when we doll fight of the
peaked -lull, bearing Eaft ; and then difbovered the
%eft£rh "dMIlj' ex tedding! W noon front *6©P Ws ■ ■ to
N . '80° W. three of four leagues.' **
■ Hdrd faddy bdttiMf:>*■ 17&. '
tlife :TOtiMwisrd^^e'>viiifeH^^*:%dF'i^ 5 ‘ lithdihs- srt >6 h.
'30 tki.V whendhe tonrC"hill bdife 1SF. 80"E.; and the
round hill,' S.'Vd0 ,1ra^fe;b^'fMr"li!%3iS:'dff' fhoire.
The nigOT ^a^^weiPatC. A c a h h itith e morning
8 • . brought