Remarks on the Country and Inhabitants round Volcano Bay.—
Courtefy of the Japanefe.■—Defcription of the Harbour of En-
dertrio.—Gbfervations on the Natives-^their Dreft—Ornaments—
HdbHafutns—Food—-Boats—Articles fGdjnsne/^^-^griiulture.^—
Remarks on the Sdl—Frees—Plants—Birds-Fifij—Quadrttpeds.
| —AJlronomical —Rangsalmg the Coaf of fofu.—
Spanberg’s I/lahd.
BOOK A .t funrife the boats were lent in fearch of water,
>— '—j j which was found oppofite our fituation; and the Ja-
September panefe who attended, signified it was very good.
l6dl> < Several of. the natives accompanied us ; but 'the
jealoufy of* this man would not let them approach
within a certain difiance. They fpread mats on * the
beach, while we were filling water; and entered into
converfation with us, fmoking fmall pipes of tobacco
at the fame time. Their inquiries feeined to allude to
our departure, and to fhew their anxiety for our
going away. On our proceeding towards the village
they ftrongly obje&ed; and to avoid any difference,
we gave up the point. .1