BOOK -aB ritifh feaman had overC.him. This man (wliofe
^—.— ’ -name was John 'gji* | : -, Young;) had been refident in th’e
January, ifland for fix years. ■ ,Tamaahmaah, with all his
chiefs, and fixteèn thoufand men, had been àbfënt oh
an .expedition- aga-inft the iflands- to- the leeward,
all .of which he had conquered but Atoqi. We could
hot therefore buy any hogs, as thëfè | chiefs had
taboo’d all their - property. A blind chief, whofe
natiife'wàs' Malioa, carried on th#n^eehtiVe’"power of
the ftatë-under the fuperintendance f'©f Young, and
conducted himfclf with: every attention tofour wants.
Tlih priefts at ’the Morai were alftf particularly kiricl
to the'gëatlemen ftationed thefé, and the"' people
in general fpoke vdi/-“highly of «Captâih Vancôutsefe:
•FroffTthe good impreffion his conduét made upon
them, and the Tavourable-.. fentimerits inculcated by
Europeans who have-Or now do liv,ë|here;- I am Jed"
to believe that any veffel 'may now touch at this
ifland in faféty, and be amply fuppliéd with refrefh-
ments ; as every article of European manufacture is
Gonfiderably fallen in value. ' The o'àttlè left here
•by Captain Vancouver had bred1 and were in excellent
order : it is probable they will flock the ifland, as a
taboo is placed upon them for ten years. The' gdats
multiply prodigioufly ; I added a male and'female- to
their numbéf, leaving them under the care o f Young,
with a l5i\dpd,of gcefe and ducks : the firfl, lieutenant
alfo fpared them his pigeons. Some' grape-vines
from Fort Jaekfon and Vegetable feeds were planted
and fown during our flay. . Pumpkins and melons
werfe$i»mo great plenty,- though ffp* »had excellent
cabbages weighing;near 2 lbs:-. They had^been-cultivated
at fplher diftance, arid wore brought as a
pikcfent. ■
, Thefl thermompforitte.-board^hp Ihip varied from
74^ 0 ^ 5 ; at -the-' teiits on' fhore it was froni 79 ° t a
On the 2Ath Jan u ary ^ ^ o ^ l. made, the longitude
o"# Karakakooa'2Gfe^46!a45", ^bic^-differs- only 1 1 '
from the true- longitude, as fettled by Captain King
and Mr. Bayl’^y’; an- error only of 1 1 ' in ,108 days,
being the,-time finceher rate was.feftled by Mir. Croflpy
at.Port Jaekfon.
On the '31ft January at noon,, N.° 1 . was flow for
mean time at Karakakooa Bay 14 h. 19i and
doling 6".594 per daymen mean time.
8° 15.' E.
9° I2' E. r
Obfervations by
The variation'on Hoard Ihip, mean of -^compafles,
Do. on fhore at the tents,'by'Adam's large tfo. ■ -
a°-3° 47'? 4"~1 ~
Pocket a, J 203° 48' 19". I'Eaft.b^time-keepers.
Box^pWf*^0 «TO T aftronomer- '
Box E, 48, J 'aS4fi'44‘ 3<S"J
II. '
m$$k\ January,.