CHAP. Hf; f
Departure for Nootka Sound.—Searcht for the Ifland of Donna
Maria Lajara.—Maquina’s *7*$ at mdkd.—TniWigence ‘öf
' Capimn Vancouverl—Stage raifed' \n ' Thors' xhf iW 1 Carpenters t
fir repairing the'ffift—ftdcutjitk*to Èftip £&'ie.—A fTAnchor
in Juan de Fuca’s Inlet.—Sir Francis DraFe*'s'rSiriiion 1579.—
Arrivataf Monterej.-^Flan adopted fir the
BOOK W * feHed for Nootka Soupd.
generally healthy, excepting thofe whoxweré;i»feóted
FeW^y*7 witlrthe venereal difeafe, contra&ed at the Sandwich
. wd. Iflands. The ^naptoms this dji^der;
25*. ' We altered our courfe’fo the Wèftf intendfffsf to
fearch for an ifland called Donna MafiA -Laja?a,- faid
to be difcovered by a Spanifh fliip, thé Hercules* in
178 1 ; and laid down in Arrow fmi tlfiS chèrts^fröm the
authority of Mr. Dalrymple. 'The céntré'of it istfitu-
ated in 28° 30' N., and in long.1202^30'i3. 'By'the
chart it is of confiderable extent, in a north and fotith
direction. The afternoon fights for the watch made
our long, at noon 2(}4;| li 30" E . ; and ,we could fee
half ,1 I the Eaft. There was a large fwcll in
that, direction, but no indication that could induce us
to fuppofe. there was land in that quarter. Captain
Ceoke’si'track, 011 his return, to the Sandwich Illands,
was in 206° E. <
We had now run and fe'en 5°- of long, nearly from
.iSQOhEaft1 to near !®Q#°dE.,'.' in'the parallel of 28°'. 30-
N\ : the, Situation ■ of p this ifland .mult therefore be to
the-Eaft or-Weft ofthe above-longitiid'e ; moft probably
t© the Eaft ■ oft'.206& E .; as Captain • Cook ,paffed ,the
parallel in the long, oh 200b 15' E., and many other
navigators to.' the weft ward of that longitude. I there-
•fore*did n o t . think it neceffary to crofs their tracks,
bjat" altered our cpucfe tot North with aififte-brqeze
at E.-S. E. •
We fteeredi'N. Ev, bf,,. N,;i 'the wind at South. A
large fwefl from thpj&. E. quarter obliged us. to pump
the fliip; every two* hours. At midnight the wind
Shifted to the, N. W., and moderated gradually, bringing
on fine weather..,
After a fucceffton.of variable, and. latterly of very,
damp weather from the 26th ult., we tried for foundings
p. m .
N°3. io°39'
E. Adams
13 0 1' E.
Variations. A. M.
Aziïnutb N”
3‘ 12® S6’ Adams 140
48' E. Infp.
130 30' E.
15 th.