® °x° K o f-the ftmits, which are Fourorjfiveleagucswide; and
.Wdhfpught te tholyind, hhyipgri4c5 fathomsiifospteferve
October, the latitude, ha v ing the following bearings :! Spanfeit^s
Ifland S. 17° 35--41 Ut i lesa rocky pointwhhdtfofins
the weflf entraneesjof'dlie paflage,r and frO<Ui '#Mfeh
extends M rwfifouie diftattceiiS* 20? rhild^.
Peaked hill S..52° W-> and the extreme of the fame
^ud.S, 82° W*; nEhe high land makingdikb* an illand
9th. front N. 48° E .to 6l°E .
Conceiving the peaked hill land to he-the.N. E. pai-t
of Infu, as it plainly took a dire&ion to the weftWard,
oAd the: wind being fixed id S. W., we'^feiMb^kde^^the
opportunity of proceeding to in the fortiwtexploring
of the iflands. In the beathig ;oip; the
, peaked hill the eoaft formed a bay,“ with 4 fitH; faiidy
beach; and the. mouiltain, !which in thisi point bf'View
• formed a faddle hill, prefented a very magnificent'
appearance from its great height, add Cxtenfive
Our courfe lay in the direction pf the iflanyd which
was broken and elevated, and at 4 h. we were abreaft
of a bill which rofe from the lea £hore, with a fteep
afcent to a con lid er able elevation of a conical fhape,
and evidently volcanic : we paffed within two miles of
i'-'j» i i t ,
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