BOOK 60 fathoms, blackfand . a ftGiiBjlufih tiine wc had uo
bottom, with .100 fathoms.
May. '7 h. Light ans and cloudy, with fhowers of rain
during the night. At day-light we fan land extend-
. ing from S. E. to N.'E»;8 Éf I
19 h. The breeze: died away,. an‘d we had feahn
fultry. weather, with intermitting' (bowers of rain. At
noon the higher parts of Eormofa were .ojbfeured, but
the extremes bore from §• 6.8° E. to N. 40° E., four or
five leagues. In this fituation we had 114 fathoms,
gravelly bottom. Dark weather. r,
' 8th. ( il.n ^and light airs, witlwgentle; fhowersof rain. At
à b. we were within two leagues.of tlm.fhore : ■ and ■ we
tacked in 23 la flip mg, niudcly bottom. The coati was
well wooded, with fanxly beaches ; and y e obferyed
many habitations. .A fter dark the wcathci-cleaicd up,
and we te d a fine moon-light, which“.gave, us aii opportunity
oEobfeyving for the latitude;
sKSff. Tn the morning, with a light breedf we ftqod
in \tliore, and fetched nearly the fame fituation we
were,in laft evening,- when'we .tacked ; the extremes
extending from.N. 30° E. to S..45“' E.
■ 9 h. Binding the wind again fixed in the N. E.
quarter, and no pipbabilityofits changing to enable
.1 I us
us paffing through the' ftraits of Tornfofa, I thought it CIJAP.
any tfldre time in the aJttefJ^t, and a©--.
eordingly altered; ou%pnrfe.£o the fiauthward, with-a -May.’
pleafant bweie arid fair weather, a pleafurh. jwe had
long, beefc■ .deprived|of. AsiwO- -fleered alting fiibfk,
we perceivedJeve^al, people-OH fmall floats gOing-oUt
a^fiftiingfi v cam^.g.long-^^, which SB8&
us an opportunity ;to,,remark; their. edriours Jappdaifehice. -
'They wefe, fiiSiply cbm pe fed of batubbos lathed together,
about 20 feet by 6 feet.; the fliaft • fi^edPifc-a
wooden flep-ihA'hte o&itre, atid1- th |y appeared to fail
fail. Each float carried three men.
By miftake we loftlaking’the fan’s altitude atnoofrl J
but the loboOfier being within hail, their latitude will
nearly-d>Urs : when the extremes 5o f ’Eormofe, bore
from N. ± t E. to E. y Mgh aUd ragged» land-,
fiSf, A3°t E. to*N.;*?5-* E. four or five miles.
Over the beach wefaw federal j unks 'at anchor; and
the country feenied will ihhabjited. The ifland-,* ©Ailed
Eamay in the charts* S. 35° E. four or five leagues^!
, AfoMi!.l36i®.!.the :foutii point «of the ifland of Latnay | | g r
bore-EaC This ifland is-of moderate elevation, and not
foore' th4iSf fiveforyfix*®fliifes in cirGumferesack^idiflanft