book. Twenty miles ii. to the N of acc'ount Oui beating* f . ,
v—%—J . nearly the farfie 'as' yjcftefday.
| *797?
July 22(1. ,
With a light breeze we flood in fhoré?,r and at # h.
. we tacked clofe in with the low land in 15 fathoms.
The high land to the South bearing-S. 4° E. three
lea^uft. A n inlet' W. by §. one mile; feveiral junks
were at anchor’within it: the entrance :was narrow,
but it feemed to afford good flieltefAvithin ihdfpoiiifs
of the beach. This does-.not form a bay; -butfdafch
. extréme1 being bounded by Ver^ high land,'- makes
it appear fo at adiftance ': and in the ltitervaTis'S SOn^
fiderable extent of low coaft. The furf broke very high
along ffié thbfé.: *
The morning was calm, and a thick haze oBfcured
the Taffl^offl?ourwïê5y. ’
Eighty fathoms water, and thiö day we^experichced
no current.
24th. Calm till 2 h., when a fteady breéze fprung up from
the fouthward, and the' hazè’ cléared away? At o h.
the high land fet thè lath'ëVénihg bote S. 44° W. two
leagues, when We‘ tacked and tteëred' Eaft; as there
appeared no probability of our making our courfe to
tk'eTSbutbiMXdln The $ Windf and curfentfeppOfing- each .C HA P.
other fo equally till to-day, when they both, were un-‘
fhvburAleP' Towards 'Mofiu> the ; wihd,!icame to' the .
wdftward, with’very hazy Weather. I
. .'»Gy! Out'1 yftdWsnfc' -muft ha^fe fet' U’s
N. 64° Mti.Sj,niiles, which4^o>untS fofedur not fefeih'g1
the land; having been fifet' paft‘ it- atHhe
miles an-hoUr during the'fiight? ^Thepartwe nxpehted
30' W., and ought' to h^e'hbofei
p | W fb f us ‘-about five leagUfeh I imagine it to
bfe the eaftern' exlrerhe of the ifland Ximo.
1 Hauled up tb niake theCodft ofXipon. £ J4‘- .* 4S*-"
Hi,We eduld-'fee diftirihtlydixmffeyen Fedgues‘,t{hnd::6fUr
eftihiatdd latitude Wa^ 9 ^ 4 ^ Three-jUnks’wex| feed
lteering to the * eastward, b u t; we* 'had' no/light df the
. -Calm, With frequent riplings», butAnpp'fdundings.'
Current N\ 81-° E. 28 miles.
Pleafant Weather, but hazy round the horizon.