B0.OK aircl^or jn I f Lathams, muddy bottom. .The night
wa§, .moderate,, and,.fin the morning at day-light we
December, had We worked
through the paffi^e- with feme difficulty, having_,gpfe
under way at day-light,for, that purpofe | - but the.
v|p|^hee of the fqualls pecafipned •dhe ftupptp jpfufe-
Hays twice» and^wp wei;e pbliged to. wear. , Our pilot
in thefe cafes was^.pf littlp ufe, for he did not feem
any way acquainted''with our movements, .only 're-
quefting to anchor immediately. This channel from
the Lima iflands is clear of all danger; and, if. ne-
ceffary, you can always bring up in lefs than 20.
fathoms. It i|i univerfally frequented in the ^ . E .
, ihoqfoon.
After weathering Laf-fammu, which be.ars nearly.
Weft of Macao, we made a ftrait courfe; and at 22 h.
wp came to in ’ the roads in 4 fathoms, foft muddy
bottom: the fort bearing N..&5° W., and-.Cabrfta
point W., off ihore two o^' three mfleV.]“ W<*
found the Crefcent, Company’s packetr ridingMiere,
having,arrived very lately from England with fof-
patches. By her we had the fatisfaction. of being informed
of the principal events which, had occurred
fiq9P jPur leaving Europe. Having, beed abfent from
thence twenty-two months, our. quripfity was, highly
gratified foy the communication?:’ - Ourpeoplc were in CHAP,
perfect Këalth fi<and 'We had only to lament the lofs of —-v—
one man by' ficknefs fmCe we failed from Plymouth Dec4*tbeh
Sound. ’
On our arrival I fent an bffice/”to tvait upon the
Governor. ■ In the afternoon the officer"returned -from
the Governor,’who politely offered us pycry civility in
his, power; apd 'th e, following i day ''h e fen t o f f the
m,after of tlae port to carry the fhip into the' harbour
o f the Typa. On getting under way,';we faluted the
fort with ^eih^fen guns, arid they returned u n e q u a l
number. A t funfetwe lèkmfe to' in the hartootir f and
the next morfiing mporpd the fhip, with' her? ftream
anchor fo tfed weftWard, irr4 f fikthornS.i - The townfof
Macao juft open toffs; and thé harbour I§?h2|)a-W:, 1
two ’Óf three'miles.'t!
« I t was the iend-of thé.month -before, I had-Efficiently
recovered the ufeiof my arm ,to kavèithè.fhipi
"when hearing theré-Vas’fi fmaH'vefibPip« Lark’s- haJ
for fhléï I thought it woulddSe^ highly advantageous'
td the voyage to purchafe neiT' and- OHfan- e±ammar
tion,' finding fhe was. very’ -well cakrikfod' for the
purpdllp^rnade the agreement on -the fpot, ar}d^kvey, '0,
the mafter L. 150®, fterling fonher.^.- She was fchoon##*
i m m