r S90 i
A P P E K p I X .
No. n .
VbcABtiiARiEs of the Languages of the Iflands of Insu, Èistjch»-
eux, and of the Natiyes .of Chq&ak,. ore the Coaft of. Coilba.-
Specimen e f tie- Hifii- Ilattguagfr-
Arkee, v. " Gomehere- Sherima,. Make haffb.
Appeals, To walk.. Horopfce, To drink.,
Tambene,. To enquire the name for Kadanna, A two-handed fword
anything. WagafaiTa, A one-handed ditto»-
Eenzy, A ffiîp . Ka,. Aimulket..
Erracoofh,. Dried cod-fifc. Shoomotza,. A book;
Koo, A bow. Yewbee,. The fingers
Kooka, : A bowftring^ ( O yev.'bec,.- The thumb.- «
Ay . An arrow. Sinnee, The leg.
Eckyoop* A quiver. ' 1', Momo^ The thigh.
Yewknema, Deer-flein. Oondee, S The arm.
Atoolh, A frock. Nagayewbee, Middle finger..
Aikippi,» - The fingers Gedah, Sandals. , .
Creak, “ | The beard. Tenoogambs, Thewriftl
Meemack, The. teeth. Käme, | Paper, g
-Shoo,. An iron of copper pot. 1 Enoo, A 3ôg—
Maflacare e, An hatchet.. <, Necko,. P A r a l .
©ikyo, A man. VafafTo, - A child...
Meanako,.. A woman. V , Koodge,, , .Thedips. . ,
Haat, Grages.. Aifce, The foot’. * -
Soom, Fifh oil. ; Qlongyfe,, The chin..
Hipparee, A bear.. Meemee,. The ear..
Chucaup, . An eagle. <r, Yes.
Sarraneep,. A baiket. Ny„ No.-
Ya, 'FHh net. Karnu,. Hair..
Magiddée, A knife.. Fo o nil, Ship.
Tiheeree,. Tobacco pipe.. Timmar. Boat.,, -
Seecham, A Japanefe.. .. Tcha, l Tea.
Eanzee,. An oar. Sado, Sugpr..
Wakha, Water.. Tabacco*» Tobacco.
i S91 I
A P P E N D I X.
No. m.
Specimen, of the Language of the Natives of the LieOchxeux Iflands.
It is a DialeSt i f the Japanefej' With fome feW Chinefe Words.’
Mizee, ' Water.': Yecobee, a Tlie ïnger.
r*’- Çoya,.. A cuétfmber..
■ Shiree, AiQDâÇco-pipe. P i p i ! ' Sweêt potatoes.
ÄTrÖct. ' Hoonee, A'-(hip.
Mee, ’ The ieye. '1-‘:’;ëoifc,'- * - The fun.
Myo, ; TKê'h^ê-krow. r^'-Xäneej'i.,.l; . Copper.
Hanna, , The^nofe. . Koodgee, Th.e mouth.
Haa, Thpteeth^ . Orra, . Th,e hand.
Karatzee, TKeîianÇ | Kîàpa, : •‘A'hatV.1
Timma, -. A boat. ,V 1 Shee, -, .. A foot.
Meemee, The ear.
Specimen-cf the Gorean Language ufed at CSafan.
Hannah, On&i1 ) Noon, " The eye.
Tooo!,. i jfoonlhip, I - The eye-brow.
Spe, t £?m .~ k^^^ce, tR
Doe, Pour. in The mouth. .
Taffah, ,-:-4 Five. | a ^ Æ e , :
Y à t S S , Tit?.#1", Murree,’ I Hair. -
Yerogo, . ■ Seyen» Shuame, y The beard^
| È p f | * E ig h t .^ Pul, ;îâ " Aritt. ^
Ahdi.' ’ • Nine.v ,vt - ; Hand. . *
Yfe|::Æ ;‘vTeii^, * „ y -Sbcoiai ' .Fingers.
Hah, ' The Sun. ’ , - Tantangae, itesc,'-' '
Taretne, Moon. Cheenumchee, Thigh.. ;
Curomc, 'V^atï^T
Pool, iFire. " Chap, ; : A.houfc-.
Moot, . Water. ,. Sonamo, '' A" trie.
Parrum, I Wind. , 8 Sflyer.
Moc, Land. '* riEoon,
Banna, A man. ' She, .•'A'tiüllTOËï: 4 P>
Kageep, : A woman. Towyee, A hogJ