book noon, S. 75° E. ; iflarid .of BootxnyyiN. -88° E. ; peak
v—' of Lantoe, hT. 22° W. Current -fihee yefterday,
Nwçmber. S* 6l° W. 22 miles.
Light winds, and fair. .
By obfervations made when Pedro Blanco and
the Great Lema bore South of us, : and corrected by
the watch’s error in the Typa, their fituation.. will be
as follows P
Great Lema, latitude ,04'
Pedro.Blapco, ditto j 18' fJ.-^ditto . • -
They bear from each other N.' 76* É. and k 76» W."
26th. The afternoon was calm ; but the tide beirig' in bur
favour we drifted between thë iftânds ' and Lantoe
point, increàfing our water from To and 'T5-*tc) 25
fathoms, *, whën the point bore 'Eaft three or" four
miles.- '
We caffie to an anchor in 12 fathoms, muddy Bottom
; Linfin Peak bearing N. 6Ù E. ; Lantoe.'Peak,
N. 75° E. ï and thé town of Macao, S. 88° W.‘
e Light airs for a ïhort continuance; d
In the morning muttered the people and per- CHap.
formed divine fervice. Afterwards they were enjoined '—
to fecreCy in "Whatever related'* to*mlr voyagC; The November,
officers and gentlemen delivered up their j ournals and
other remarks.
Moderate breezes'*from the northward. At 2 h. 17th*
the tide, which had run down112 hours!, flaeking, we
got undfer way and made fail 'for Macao. "In Oiir
way we fpoke a fhip*‘ called fhe":Bntahnia, thdt had
arrived from Port Jackfon, and now going fo^Canton.
At dark we came to in Macao road^, in three fathbmtr;
and in the morning, having ftrong breezes from the
N. E. quarter, we' weighed and run into 'the Typa,
whei-b' We "moored in our old htuation. We Toiftid
riding hht*e '.the Duff iri'drehant ffiip froffitheSouth
Seas, where Ihe. had left fome letters at the different
By obfervatior*staken onfljore, N° %e Slewed.} ■ » -
kt k C l n S j 1 - - ’ 7 ' J‘' 5 W ,E- ’
cuipnie ditto Uy*“Or iV>?- >,' J ® A* g*
• Deference, is' jb*' ~
By which it appears the watch has gone more re- .
gulariy .well thah ufualv fince ber mte was fettied in
Tffiofan harbour.