8 h. 'Light,.windsi: óp
12 h. Hazy, •.
November., foundings. ::
lo h. Wore fhip:. drizzling rains-.. . |
18 h. Continual rain. Pafied federal
weed. Many land birds about the fhip?p One ojfckjiem
m È S m lm was taken.,
21 h. Variable weather, and very upfeftled during
tliis morning. Barometer very 4ow.
i 24 h. The; wind fuddenly foiftedj toAhe■ jlST. W., and
. brought clear weather.
• «K 8
7th.' lh .. Moderate breezes and cloudy-weather. Va-
, fious land birds and inanyrb^t|erdies; with other infedts
about the fhip.
41i; Every appearance of a • ftrong northerly1 current.
7 h. The wind fhifted in a violent-fquall, and Toon
increafed to a hard gale, which obliged usi to.hand
the topfails and itrike the top-gallant mail. .At; 9 h.
it blew a .very .-ftrong gale, when we .furled the, ce^rfes
and brought to under a ftorm ftay-fa.il. At 10 fh^wore
At 14 h. 30 m. the gale'moderating, fet the forefail,
and topfails elofe-reefed. Very clear weather, when.the
wind veered to the W. N, W, "
■ At 17^4 30 m. wore, Chip, and made fail with a
ftrong . breeze . and .clear weather. Tire barometer
riling fait. -
22 h. 1° 14/pSTorth of account fince laft obfervation.
- 24 h. Ditto weather Under .cotufes, and double-
reefed topfails. *,
C H A P .
, VI.
lh . Moderate breezes and fair weather. Made'* ’ 8th.
more- fail. Many whales about the fliip of.the Tperma-
qeti kind- |
6' h. Light winds and clear, with a fwell from the
1ST.. W. .quarter.
' 12 h. Ditto: weather.
l6h.- Erefh breezes and fine clear weather.
7.-24 h. Ditto weather; 36' miles to -the. North of
lh . Erefli breezes and fine weathiiv At 2 h.- we * A ^th.
faw the land of Japan dr -Nipon to the weftward from
the malt-head.
- 5 h. Extremes ofland from S. 809 W. to N. 40° W.
four or five leagues. | We alfo faw a 1 fail1 to‘ the'weft,'
fu ppofed t# he a junk. S-hfirtened Taild and fleered to
the & W with a gentle breeze. . , :
12 h. : -Eight breezes, and cloudy.
18 ft. * Made all fail.
T A t