CHAP. n.
PaJfage to Otaheite.—Remarks there.*—A rriva l a t the' Sandwich
Iflands—‘a t Mowee.—Its wretched State.—A t Wohakoo.—Vtjst
t f Tamaahmaab.—Account of the Wars' and Ambition o f that
Chief.—Anchor in Tam Bay* — Onehow.
W " e directed our courfe to the North pf New Zealand,
intending to touch at Otaheite in our routé to
Nootka Sound. At 3 P. M. the land extended from,
N. W. | Weft to Weft, and we foon after loft fight of
the coaft.
iÿth. In lat. 33° 10' S. and long. 169° E. the S. W. wind
changed to a gale from the N. E. quarter. I t was
of no continuance ; for on the following day it
Peered to N. W., and we again purfued oür eâftèrn
In 32° 51' S. and 175°. E. the winds were northerly,
with moderate weather, continuing at N. E. till this
34th. day, when the wind again veered to the N. W. with
a ftrong breeze.
b o o k
Wind now* altered' ^0. the N. N. E . ; our lat. 34s 15'
S. -.ail'd long. 189°'3,5^ E. by the tifne-piece agreeing
with our accounted longitude.- -
We •ftpod'tedthe Northward, as the wind became
more ekfterljf ; ;lat^’35a,45'S. and long. E.
It blew To1 hard as-to obligé ûs to lay to. under thé
main-flailM'i The -gèle' moderated : we wore fhip at
noon-and ft#od-to- the -SvE.-1 in lat. 32“ 4& and 492°
-25' ldng. f1-
• In.50o33'; S. and, 197.^53'>E. we flood to the S. E.,
having had no obfervatkms "fince the 9th for the lat. ;
we? foùnd- ourfelves 1W30' further north than we expected,
in which direction only We had experienced
any, current :< bar. 7? 49' E. In the night we flood to
the. Northward ; lat.« S1°'27"S. and long^l97° 27' -E.
rjrhe,wind grew more favourable for oiir courfe, and
on this i day at .noon* iwthte'lat. of 28°-5S' S. and long,
by watch 201’ 27' E., we obferved diftances 0 and i'
making the longitude agree nearly with the watch* ,
At, 2 hours 40 minutes after midnight we made the
ifland ; of Ohetorea bearing- N. E. 6° N., which as it
was in our courfe wé flood off. for two hours, and again
■e tacking
' fm i-
13 th.
18 th.