faw more iflands, of which” they’gaye«us their fe-veral
*%HhI ire did MOt öömérffSüi
H^llandiai (föaPp iflhhd they* * eafee^ftoffi 1 wasi ieall&
Moö&u-Jang;) their cultivations- 'up to the Tides ''of f the
foefl : dbvefèdr; with .ïWödtih At ndörfMtiihtïred&om
S^l^W.ItdSaö^Wi' fotrfflëaguébï Tiièafèhi^ E;
This ifland makes like i &gudaea& qüoin»f and1.ksLf&b
it, was réMmMilaft to tHè Weftward ofitfie, üeuöföewx|
amoïJgsthtó iMate}»iïJflhnds. -V-Kaniiiaahp.’S^SÖ* Rli
Ageahu,i « i 'Oèe.E.:; uatöd sffr whieh
ftaaii; dhfe^, called ,Tuih-H*ah,ith®eV# fe b tfle a g pM
We found the current ftill to fet in the Tame direction*
hut.not foftrong..
9*. U The current; ftill fettihg us to, thé eaftward,, we b$>*
preached the iflands very faft; and at 3 h. ,%e kept
our Wind jl and at 3 h / S0mvth^,^eft point* eg-Ka^
rumah, on with Tunatchi,- S,E°iE. h WeftxofvKaru-
mah about,three miles, ive puffed: a fmall ifland. 'A t
4 h. 30 m. Karumah. and Agenhu, in One bearing*
bt:f3° E.- and.S. 3° W.?;<Thcfe: iflandsme five leagues
apart: wé.failed between'them. At 7 hf the group©
. called the Matchi Iflands bore from S. lb° E. to
,S . 34°
g | 24° W.; ^Thnatchi^^^W;fcHg&hfcu, jK 58° W .; CHAP.
the extremes of Great Lieubmi'eux, from Si E. to k k U / k T«vuf';f - >:-<• |i$fp •:• ’■-■ §i ••/.■ g| I *%$$*]-.
N, E> bE^ffdwen’or eight'leaghes. v ' July- ,
•. A^ Shs’-^ e haifled’Tnfr wind,' and plied to" windward*
till | dkyfligftl vrith a;'ffefhl%ih^ f'from thefouth-
wafdr When3 bbrh|fMiftaiftvfrom^iEimiqh:ieii!t^ four 6r
'fife^leagiie§,i $e‘ ft'ddd’ for if updri^a1 \fihd? '«At 21 h'.
%e had Eght^of' the1 Harbour%¥s^T^flac}ian; Bb^ring
'Ei*0&’riS. 2 ^ ‘Efffoiir'bf ffvh’milesT-fm This direSioh, -
half if ftule off wash chairf of breakers. We plied to
■theMouthwaid till noon,- when we mbfei ved “oft .the
harbour: _ Alow* fandy^ ifland; beais N.‘r5>?° -W., from
Naphchan roads fevdn dr bight miles ; between which
and the north point ©f Lieuclue'wx Wfe had foundings of
2 8 'and 30 fathoms, corally bottom. 1 This'p'oint hears
N.• 1 4 ° W., Weflfhom the'foWth pdrit of Liquieux: an
hummobkTs on .the* extreme- of if,;'and a reef projects
to the weftward of it fdme1 diflahee: 1 At no off1
outfer part of this1 reef bore fS!' l'4° W: ;c‘ \Rfeef point,
-which- forms Him flarbbard“ -entrance' into the road’s,
S' ll° E . ; the - harbour of 'Napaeti an, S 64° E. three
of fbur miles ; Matchi Iflands, from S:-*36° W. to N.
81° W. ; Sandy Iflabd, W. to N. 63° W.* three
or four miles j Lieuchieux noi Ih exticmfe,:.N 25° E. ;
current finee noon of yefterday, '%$' Eaft. - Erefli
h xi '2 S ■- ' bifezes