B ?i° K the North, when the eaft point (which makes ab-
*—^ ruptly to the fea) of Agodaddy harbour bore M. 12° E.
*W7-Auguft . ^ two or thre| eW SlemaMgauges&.r&'zæ ■ 7
Our foundings tfeing the night varied from 42 to
24 fathoms : fand ancf ftones.
î¥èfh breezes add fquafty weather, wdthl heavy rain,
which entirely obfcured the land: from our view.
3**. lig h t airar with heavy rain, wMehifebfidingiafc'3 h.
we had calm and cfear weather ;a u d our foundings
were 15 fathoms, within two mifcs-ofi /thedfroirethe
entrance of Agodaddy bearing N. E. On the weft
fide we remarked lèverai villages in the vabies formed
by the rifing grounds j and towards the weft point of
entrance the fhôre was--well wooded. A light air
carried us towards f b r a c high broken land, and we
were neeeffitated to bring up near it in 5â fathoms^ ■
to avoid the current, when it bore S. 78.® W. three
miles ; and a high falling point* on the cpaft of .Nipon,
bore S. 22" W.
Wë got under way with hazy "and gloomy weather,
keeping cfofe in with Matzmai fWg, which prefeated
clayey cWs, very elevated, and covered with a. thick
foliage ^of woods. Many runs of water were pre-.
cipitated from thefe hills, which gave them a romantic
At 22 h. we pa$pd an exterifive village, with feveral
junks at anchor off it: Several boats put off from
t(ic fljqre .to vifif us ; but having the advantage of a
fine breeze, iweAlid nqt waaj; for them. This village
was fituated in a bay, the weft point of it being rocky.
An ifland opened with it in the direction of W.;
arid’foon after wesopened the tow n of Matzmai: this
"rocky point forming the eaft extreme of thè bay. "We
alfq . Apened another ifland to the feaward. Matzmai
bay is about four miles' in »extent; the two points
forming it be&r N. 70° W. and S.' 70« E; from each
'other. At the, weft extreme is a very fmall ifland,
cofifteélëd with thé flióre' by a reef of rocks,. A fmall
buildiég upon it ferves as alook-out houfe in the day,
and a . light-houfe b y ' night A : Öur ' foundings | wefe
regular, with fix fathoms^clofe in. A ^great n^any
junks were lying along-fide of .each other, moored
clofe to the fhore; and ou>‘tlie beach werd' feveral
building and repairing!" At ‘noon we’ oblefved in
41° 22' N. ; the points^ o]Püüie bay, È. 5 ° ^ . Vo 1^.
% ; ‘ cchVe ° f the, town,'" N. N. W. ,^w^^ Airies;
Kipon extremes, £>. 15°tE- to. S. bi0 E. frve leagues.
- ><> The