ward of the Hummock. Our-eftimated latitude was
23° 1 3 ,100“ Mt* and longitude 125° T2* E. The hull
ofrthe fhip was juft'vifible, and the. fea made a*co®-
tinual breach over.her. a {
This groupe of iflands, off which the fliip- was loft,
©infills of Seventeen iflands. r-~ are bf^dJfterent
fizes, and many *of< them very fma.l3Hand uninhabited.
They extend from 24° 10' North to 24~° 52' 30“ N.' latitude,
and from 1 2 3 ^ Eaft to 125° 37'rE. longitude.
The inhabitants diftinguiftied them by the name of
Madjicofemah, as we underftood th em: they*'fwrere
tributary 4-0 Great LieuchieuXjior the EiquieuxTflands,
, x EreAThfeeizes and cloudyTweatherr^ Art l.fl., having
cleared the flioals, we made fail as per log; the-boats
following under fail, At 3 h. the wreck of the Prqyh
or four railed'At funfdj;
fhortened fail, and took the boats id tow far the night;
Hummock Jfland, on with the outer part of the igeef;
S. 15° E .; and we had no foundings .with 100 fathoms;
the reef diftant two or three miles*'; Our ,eftimated
latitude. 23° 13|- N., and longitude 125° 12'E. Under-
eafy fail we fleered to the weft ward; and during the
night we had thunder, lightning, and rain.
B ü i
■ Variable weather, with rain and a confufed fea.
Erefli breezes, and fqually weather: exceffive fultry, May. 25th.
with conftant Sraiiri Tlie wind at laft fixed to the
North, and we fleered tor the,-S,W. The rain continued
throughout -the evening. ,
At half paft 10 h. we faw land bearing from S. E.
to S'/ W. *by‘ S .; arid ho-fburidings, with 70 fathoms; *
>;At dayfighfj.the- Axtrem#“;o£ Pachufan from, Eaft
■tQV-S. S.fV^v fix b n fright* leagOesj-ff Ati22j'hvi30 rri. we
faw t^e fmall ifland ;tq; the weftwsfcr^-; which at noon»
bore N. 37° W .; anfl the fouth pointofRacho-o-kO-ko,
S. !t% ^ ^ d r 'four miles : the> other extreme,
| g | g | g | | |
, vt-Soon after noon the cutter returne’d,' having ex- 2<Sth.
amiqed^a fmallbay that, afforded, anchorage ont^he
fide qf Rocho-o-ko-ko. ^-A c.an®e brought ,theiu
off watqCjjandt p^atppsWt) .purely the,fe iflands were
acquainted; with^Ur misfqr|;un%v At jS,h. tl^e £,ex,-
tremes of Rocho-o-ko-ko extended from N. 63° E. to
S.. 83|^E. fj.ve,, or>, fix leagues ; jHummock ; Ifland,
S. j53i Ev eightjor- ninepiiles* At 1 1 h. wore flripj.,,
k i l l | ” j§g|§ If - Light