book . . l$ h .| Light airs* '
24 h. At noon the ifland fi^miN*48p;!^i to 51!® ;!/.
■November, feven or eight leagues.
7*k* - -Light aifs agd 4hir, yreaf heg. se
Theifland >
12 h. Dark cloudy weather.
.^.13 h,. Very , (qu^lly „ weaihen, i with the^.yy Aif|as*
wind fuddenly ■ lhiftpd , to Jfee
During th f violence(Of.the wind we lay to, .~
f Saw ,the ifland to the eaftw,ard-,
At noon the ifland fip n ,^ ., 31° E. ,t9;>Jf^A2°
four or five miles: a large fea from the North. JLhis
ifland, lipon a nearer view, appeared to us much'
higher than we at fii^ fuppofed: it \yas ajfo rocky
and barren. Off the north extreme, which f is the
higheft par t,^ are ^everah detachpd rocks, a t a littTe
diftance; one of them much. larger t than the others t
but the ifland itfelf is very inconfiderabTe in extent.
It is fituated in the, latitude'pf,34“ J^N*; anc^ lpngr-
tude 125° 3' 0* E^- ,
8th. Lrelb gales and very with a. barge
fea from the North, in which quarter it remained
tolerabfcAeaf: ilmt weiadwldsihe.rid"pthepland... - few v * , vThe .c¥hXaH.p .
wind totally^pEeven.ti'Rg . Wr-jprsg^e'^^wajjda- 2 the '—
Coreari coaft, except in our former .track, and the November-
wind Jbeipg' fteadily fixed in»the North, T thought it
needlefs to perfpveve any-tlongewc^ wfcihad'.only pro-
vi|ions to the end of the mqpth, even at half allowance,
guy | . j&n j this ■ efeohiaEflailfee ,Wie. jfeore. away
to the S? E. ; and at funrefi w^ faw Jthe: ifland„iof
Quelpaert bearing -,Sv and the ifland w.e had
'lefty :N.' 24° W. twelvhde^ueS'diftynf. - i:
At midnight, being to the fauthward of Qnelpaert,
we hauled up again to the S. E f having a nne pleajr
At day-light the peak on the. ifland .aL Quelpaert
bore N. 43° E. eight or ten leagues; and at noon the
{amq mpuntain bore N. j2I ile^S fd ^ v /
j Lfpe, clear, .cold w,eather*s,ai|4 • nd; more< rpp?
■.. J^fefli jteezes..apd, hup..w^ther^^jjSi^gi^IJyvpt t ime S f # d u
ftfaflHralx ffifife Whorei clue
North, .24 leagues. ,n
12 h. Moderate and