Kurile Iflands,.. Marikan feems to have ' been ; the
boundary of both.
• So far it has been -thought propef toâBtrpduee
brief flatement : but; the furveys of tha-snpÿh& foutb,
and eaft coails of Japan, the LieUchieuxvand the adjacent
ifles of Madgrcofemah, togf$hd3pwith t^evexa-
minati'on of the coaft o f -Corea,' belongÿ>ex<dufiye]ÿ"(to-
the fôîiowing Journal ; -for La Péroufej when he left
Kamfehatka, gave up'theiidea-;efrefXplor®>g any. more
the gulph of Tartary or, the Japanefe feasi’hutepuyfued
his coürfe to Maoiina, one of the.Navigatpriflands.^ $1
The lofs of La Péroiife will ever be a ffurce ofuè-
gret, and his exertions infure* to his memory the ad-^
miration of all civilised nations.^-The refpect he {hows
for our immortal Cooke, hod other navigators who
preceded h f e ih his honourable employment; fuffii
cifently prove the candour o f his mind and füperibritÿ'
to national prejudices.*' Nor, while thisjuftAribute of
applaufe is paid to his liberality, fhouid-We, a&Erig-
lifhmen, forget the intereff which his Govèriiident
took in thé fuceefe-of • Captain Cdèfe^s¥oÿ%e;*®Thê
benévolent will ever with pleafure reeolleét;^hat, even
amidft the horrors of war, an exemption'from thern
was allowed .in favour of an enterprise which was intended
tended to .pronaateSa furtitt^qknowledge of the globe,
t# fafteit the fefaK'aferal of ’bfar' unenlightened? tfellow-
fireatures, { enlafgei the iritereourfe. of mankind,- and
bhldr'f'6geth6Pfhe'A^^bteithations >bythe ;eonne6tions
of < cbbr rfi'ercCt; pTbfe' CXtnernb caution', of tho ^apaaefe,
and- their-vinflexi-bte iefeilhsacwbin. >excluding -any fo-
r©tghetSibfeXee^ththe » from; landing on then!
teMt^|Fieiyi l#e 'sftffidienfc i a ^ o lo g i e ^ - j f e w a n t of
kin owledgb b f that ein pire^\obfeav.able>. indhe voyages
©f ifeothtth^^eneh and j^nglllh n a v ig ^ p ^ s : And if
LauP&rdafe;was fthrfubflfef aatrmcbng^ppia theb
though toriimahdiB^itw^^JrigateSffuKnilhed jwhb,£Yf$3f
re^uifite lifor defence, . and, with nugie|pus
crews, the apprehonfio’&s, of the. Englifh aremore
allowable, when i t ia recollected^'that, -after the wreck
ofithe'i^ovidences'flbop,1 her bad;biit fhirty^ye
meh; as fieri cora|dihieBt,\' apd;
pefe of; heir fize,ichave*been imiftaken; by J|jj© dPapapefe
fon a ; pirate. ; Thb- iame. unremitted|jea.ipuiy ■ oCfo-r
rfeighers feems; tbibaveripervaded every place in thofe
feas wheieeithe Pfovid^%ge; tojuchpt|-at; aird althougb.
the defires of thet <prew,rfor. wood and 5 watpr were
readily cQropliede#ife»iyet any exploring the
interior of the ;cpuntry, .and ;pf gaiidbg'^7ipofejpeffe<St
knowledge of its goyerntnpn% produce, and manner^
was invariably and. pertinacioufly?r§fi$£ck -L
a Kæmnfer,