»OAK iflands we Qpe^ed sQ. clwinneL to the .."Weft* jabOut-twW
'‘hrvrsr: rnifeslWide^ mpeh>bdpqt§d TP& fm|dl foyfjftaipA ,many
October.; rocky iflands lying in the fair way^ jbet fM%pf^llidsil?"
ger, having regular foundings, and gradually flioaling
as we approa^Jm^i^dtevft»ord fift^ayfcOh&^elar Mid
five fathotnsi; The land on eaqli fide afforded a pleafl.
i»g TWiimany fpots being richly cultivated, and the
country .inleifperfed with- villages/ r ?VariQU& .\=feoai$r
failing in every direiStkwa. ■
Before noon we came ito in fen fathoms ■ mud,
when the iflands that bore -hf. W. fey ,£f. ,at ;qur laft
anchorage! now bore S- 74°dJ, - two or three; feague& f
p.nd our prefent fituation was fo encircled by iflands
that * we could fee! no u opening whatever, feartixjg3tq:
> ft®« The riiafter went to the neareft, to ;obferve the
latitude and 'make other, remarks ; ; but ;• the thfmf;
weather prevented his feeing any. rnpre iflands do the;
Wdi, which prevented our making; any conefufian
refpeefting the paflage.
: Frelh breezes Jand hazy .weather; and towards the
evening it partly cleared away.. | The wind remained
in the N. W. quarter. After aoonwe. were vifited by
a boat from a large town, which bore N. l6°W. two
miles front ps. They brought with them ;a paper in
jVrittenl charadfefS, n^rfe^fcvefttnintelliffible,' ’ _ hio which <2 H A p. r ' * ' . ®‘ ■ ‘ % VlJl.
WeicoulcL make, no reply. . About An hour afterwards *v— >
werifavnfereral boa ts coming -dff^ nnd oRe; of«them in otteber.
aigay fuLefwith fcveral foldieas. carrying filkcn flagsy
' and/.-a'darge®.dae: df red and purple in.thAboW^mThigy
ppfled do »-the mufic‘©fafirumpets ; and t-he’-dnilatary
wtere-armed with febred” Under a Jcaiiopywhs feafed
a very confequential man upon a leopard's Ikin, with!
culhions to'reft upon, and a fuite of. attendants.about
hiriv all habited in the fatn'etftile. with ».tbofe-at
• They board without tAny ceremony, r and
immediately transferred his mattsy &c.- whfleiiaHe ; of
hiis train held .-a. large' umbrella ■ Over • him to >keep off
the fun, and -the reft kept. a t ,jf ,moft reipdtSfcable
diftaiice. Ke rafked many ^queftions that T drdlnot;
ttnderftand,,.excepting: inquiries relating to our asri
rival, &c. and his aAxiety «to know our numbers,
which he was not Satisfied with from myianfee^sp but
infifted upon having them counted ybdfore dhihaand
immediately defired his people to begin. This liberty;
I would not permit, which feemed to difpfeafehim.
He appeared very ddimus we; fccttdd flay feme
day's) and begged we would fend the boat on fhofe t