for fea-ftore. The foil of the country, as far as I
could perceive, is rocky,* very fcarce, arid covered with
ftones ; yet vegetables grow here with a confiderable
degree of vigour and luxuriantjjç principally afifing
from the fertile quality of the volcanic mould. Freflt
water is good here, and may be pröoured in great
quantities for {hipping. Landing is often diffioUlt|%n
account of the furf that breaks on the fhore. Some
this 'iflltiid,* th#lïÿîig*fîlh
firft appeared. Çwing to-4he very heavf Turf, there’
was little communication with the fhore.
3th. The Iris and her convOy {ailed.
”p | “ "We foiled from Tênerîffe with’ light • airs from the
S. W. quarter, baffling at times in every dîréétien ;
i6th. bot did we lofe fight o f the Peak till; the 16th, when
at noon the wind veered to the northward, and continued
a fteady breeze. The Reliance and Supply
were our infeparable companions. - The ifland of
Gomera bore from N. 20°-E? -tö'‘*N. 60® E-., and the
ifland of Ferro N. 50s W. diftant 10 of 12 leagues.
21ft. In the forenoon we made St. Anthony, one Of the
Cape de Verd Illands : at noon the fouth-wsft point
bore S. 8° E, five or- fix leagues. ■■ Its lat. 1?° 0- 46" N.
long. 2ó0-l6' f W- The fteady frefti.trader-wind fooit CHA2.
carried us out of fight of this ifland, and we purfued 1—|p— 1
a S.,S. E. coojrfe. . j mw hr
Died Samuel Ee4r|ffe,;,a fine, young lad of 18 years 25th.
of age:; a"feyeriof.qrdy three days’ continuance was
{h]e çauCe^of.his de^tn.“' - ’
Sultry weather. The wipd' ( Variable from N. to 29th.
W. Frequent calms impeded .our progrefs : at intervals
the fqualls were heavy, with thunder, light—
ning, andram.,
We''croflfed the equator with gentle brèézés from April 8th.
the S. E.
The- trade-wind became-- frefh and fteady ; oür courfe 11th.
Si'S. W. a very good one.
Wind more .eafte^jy, and continued E. S.-E. when ,^th.
to fquthward of 10° S. lati^qçte- t
Made the "ifland of Tyinidad f a t1 noon .it bore of fadf
ns S. 41°"F.5h Ob fervid lab of this ifland 21° 21'41" S.
long. 29° 29' E. of (Greenwich! ’ .
We loft fight of the land in the afternoon-’; next day 23d;
h^d light airs from the îsT. E. The wind foon veered;
H to