BÖÓ-& Light }vind§,; ; ij Lldrlng
the ‘night w,o.:had a - thick fog**«’ which difpdrfed in the
Auguft morning ;■ and-We. had -cloudy weather/^vith; fikitó
^ m » : ■
1 ■ Atnooó the port ofNambu bore S. lO^ W,- oh- with
Idw land‘5 extreme land neat the inleh :Si 3° W. p extremes
te the >hh>rtb, ^*51° W., off Ihorë-five or fix
miles ; >an Opening, Wefti.
8th. L ig h ta irsan d e a lm s, makihgohrprogTefs.along
thé cètaft'vë^pfedibéë^ : At ■? h . ;tjlbk>peirifcgiodrfe $3P
Weft', twd léaWótes-. 1; An ifland is off" thth north poirit p
and wo Mtd" o5 fathoms, cblaek1 land. • THd^iroTth‘extreme
bore N. 55° W.,very'%w'landhthe high land
about Nambu» S. 3° E. .A Junk-came out of the
h k tb d d ^ '^A d n th e ^ g fit fjmie to ns^ bdfr Wë£!éüdld
not underftand them.
A fine! morning gafeHtè1 a diftin^t t'iew of the Jand,
Whïüh ftdttoténddd to the W. -N. W.,1 -very Ió wi" Some
high land extended from S. 50° W. toSSO^W. :"it;
is the only elevated part between Nambu and the
north * ‘pAïnt JcniiCajitain Kings' èMrt ‘ 'ndat 'thé‘ cöia'ft.
Thoéoanftjr Ws'nhiverMly^ldid^óifh in plahtatf&hsi;
affording a pleafmg profpy& i0At‘’wkfa'il
. . c ’•■ 1 ■ very
thry%S^ oyo^ thè! |arids Wifenlthehiorth extréme bore
:N; 7$o: W« p dSfeat? Pointy.which ' projeétéd from .the
highland* Sti®® ■; W.; a white rockielofeito the- there,
8: 68? W. twee dr thrëe; ieagüës. S Forty^fiye: fathoms!,
farid and fhdisto 3
As the haze cleared away , we pefdeived the land
dill to tend ltd the W. M. W. jiand at 1 h. tto difeeihed
high land" bearing from N. 24p. W. to B8- 34° W., which
feeftied to be a continuation of NipOn.' The flipre fb
the’. Borth off the point fet At noon,: Sv:8i0 W., receded
eottftderably, and either formed a large bay or
harbour; bat probably, froni- the appearance -of the
low fhores, it was the entrance of a -river.. The junk,
hating accompanied us all day, entered- the qpening.
We altered our dourfe for the: diftant? land,! which at
7 h. bore N. 25° W . ;* high land, N. 37° W's&xtèfcGO0
W . : and the hazy weather prevented our feeing the
low tand; any difldfid^ Soaih> SI S0?-W.
In thh eveéingdtlié \$ttd;;dihd'&Wag; and! thioOghOnt
-the night and morning nv&h&d a thick' fdg. At' times
•in the -fórenoohht cïekiéd 'SwayyWhich ga^iftis an op-
pdrtöhit^" 6f-: fftfêiiSg rthfei i i&gHllkhd 10 < iftfce m l£y
noon the fog dilperfed,. and we-were well up with. f t ;
the outer ’ extreme bearing'N . 28° W . nine ot ten
m m 2 ' milds.