fiOO K leagues! The north extreme' appeared like an!ifland,
but it'isnhot fo: I 'ccfkceiVe it tQ^be'Sandfodwft'-Pbiht:.
Auguft. The coaft bet%fefen it and WhitefPbini is' Ver^l'bw^
fatling back I o the. weft ward betted® the two^pioints.
We laff nothing of what Captain King '(iti'Cook's
Vbyagesl' calls Hufobfock Ifland; but I irnagtnfe what
he took for it was the elevatecT'part*:o f‘Sand-down
Point, which has that appearance at .a d-ifta'ricV, i from
its forming a proj'e^MngpOlnt,- %nd the low land mot
being vifible.
In the morning we had many Afhing" boats ' oh
board. - They wfere much fmaller than? thole^fei^ "off
Jeddo’bay, and madeufe of fihe tnattëa^Taifëf éxêêpt
a cotton cloth in the. middle.'^ Each bciaf admitted,
water , for the ; |ireieryatidn öf their fifh. rlc’t' noon
Sarid-doWn Point bore S. 15°W., five or1 fix milek;
and thé iabrth extreme," N. 5Ö0" W.‘, four oF’ïrardfF
fborc. In the afternoon at Sh., when " Whife Póiiit
bore due North, we got fome obfervatións; for-the
•watcb, wbieh fhewed the fongitude 139°' 46' 1Ö" E.,
-by Macao 'rate ; "White Point, 140° 40' (f E.^hy Captain
King ; latitude 35°-13' N. I therefore takeTa
inew -departure,, allowing the .'point to be'-well fixed 'by
the obfervations made in that -voyage.j|fi
I Wo fleered in the fdh'e^ion.^bj^the.'O,baft» ‘free or'foe
mifos/rorn jtf,; A |^ .h . ,vve,fo^ tpf the noithardj
and. we Ifo{fed- to ^ ^ rd s ^ ijg f$ | |£ || • w t’woretef
|b e ,e te rn ity of t-be|_ 1 © jand,| whiph bore N . $Q° W .
fo rf e.{l fa gw fis*.- and the high? 1 ap£k d 9?^ au
e^fy^^cgi]iHj^^tho''poi‘th bo’j|3vgf^|jlUS
IJpUlh<yw.h?elii ueady jfcJ#
AVI2* h ■} fathopi^.
The morning w-as.-a very ■ thidk^fog,-' which) -efoajred
away'*at* 1’9 h.y • and .wter-i/w' the l|tgh landfoxifodding
from)^;W..>by 'Smdd N1VW. 'hda^eift'pact
Sfor,4 miles.o At'/&hv4£ milfoe fogerifiirely ^Ifperfed'; I
van<i we fleered along the fhore, wbie’h, was bold and
cbffyp^.Onr fituation. in tbednojteangDvas jii-ftx>fo,;lhe
Nprth of Cape de Kennis, .batTbe.fog prevented ©u"r
feeing,it.., At nopudhe -extremes* of,land ^#e,/r;om
. _N. W. to S. by W.-f W .: $ejaaeft foo^e Ifivej'pif.&s
sruAka35.,m. pafty2,h. we/aw land extending ifrpm 3^
N- 34° N.^55° E. {even.ooeigMleagued; and at
.3;kut|e foain fated,; r«ftiifegiO»fe tQ'a.Iowdpbdntt bpre
, ,N. T3>flE., leaving -the, angle .bbtweenjithe lkndsjefo
Kalitas 5fovreador *the paf^efotetweenMhein tencei’-
2d. •