B6|> k ofclbure weather,. iff tho afterndobvalmolL excluded
—* oyr feeing any thing; and ' . ^797:* ~ - i mould not recoiieiferilie
November. lituation of the. peaked ifland with his chart. ;
raft. We hauled upashear the wind ass the fea permitted«
A t half paft 2 Ik we faw an ifland a-head, Very high,
and round at top. At 5 h .' we law fdur morein difi*
forent diredlions, from S.*309 E. to -N. 6G°:E; :thc
- neareft about 10 leagues/ . At haff paft we wore -anti
hauled Our wind, having no foundings with our line.
1112 h. More moderate weather. ' :
i< I3 hi Tacked fliip.
Made fail at day-light for the iflands, extending
from: S.-45“ E. to N. 43° E., eight in number.ilAt
21 h. the wefternmoft, off which is a pinnacle rock,
bore S. 5° W., two leagues; and we tacked to the
Weft. ,
Moderate breezes and fair weather.
At Boon we, counted ten iflands extending from
JS. lt>0 E. .to N. 45° E. They were of different magnitudes;
and three qf the largeft emitted ftpoke at
intervals throughout , the moraing- They y^ere very
elevated, and,in general much broken, and prefen ted
a barren
a barren 'rocky furface. "The higheft one! the fame CHAP.
v,‘ «. . r ° • ^ . . 'VIII. we firft I remarked,- and now, bore S. 58° E., was a <—.—L>
rèund'iofty. mountain, riling-With a fleep.afcent to its Number,
fuinmit from thé northern part of’the' ifland. It may
be diftinguifhed at a great diftance, and is 1 the fame
we faw oh’ 'July the: 15th, when^wé^aifëcl .oii the
eaftern fide of them,'' going to ; the North. We experienced
to-day, for the firft- time fince leaving
Tlhofan harbour, a ftrong current, which had fet us
S. 38° E-J Bcr milès; and which,- in addition to' the
contrary wind, entirely prevènted* - our making the
fouthern part of the Japan iflés.
Wê faw another ifland bearing S. 10° W .: and the 13ft*
former iflandt' extended from S. 49° E. to N. 50° E . ;
the neareft five leagues'.* ""We hauled to'' the ^ëftwafd-
at funfejt.
A moderate wind fpringing'up 'we made fail tó the
S. W. The iflands^preïervêd'nearly“ the fame'Barings;
and'at noon tney extended Trom to
N. 66° E. ten by twelVe leagues. Eafteriy"currerit of
20 miles fince yeftetday. ‘ s
Light airs and calms, witlij frequent heavy fliowners
of rains |
3 1 1 • w