BOO K ' it,
Nnyp.m'hpr, ! ' Ret$qTksth q Japanefe mid, Qqreaqt Ve/jjkffc
The Japanefe junks we had the opportunity ,pf
obferving were from three hundred .to thirty ton»
A . ^uxthep, apd,. without. the jcpfll.eft variation* p | the
fame 9 onft?u6 ti,Qn. Tbs# ^avp ojaly one piatt, with
a fquare fell of cotton; apd notw^lhftandih^thoy^
tunes weathered upon t.he fchqcsaer, g e ^ a jly
failed piuch fnftef- Thqy were onphlp tp/feefe but
always wore in a very btort .timo.
They m^de ufe ofirppcreepera for anchors r apd
their rudders were of the tpipe co p ^ ru i^ n with ^ae
Chippfe; ppd, when at apyclfer bove up by* Jfe ppr-
The butt-ends and.ftern were covered with copper
to pceferye thenv and the opening'ih their berns is
fometlung fimjjar to a fquare tacked veffelosnly.the
fides are carried aft, projecting, beyond it feme distance.
The hold was entirely open; and they made ufe
of tanks or citterns for carrying water.: The math was
X compofed'
coînpofëd of feverhl pièges o f f fir,' tudêly made, ànd CHAP.
ftrOn^ly hooded together. The floor, timbers, beams, <—
and niaih-piece Of the rudder,^wtfrb'of oak-(; theffett,
o f pine, i
We never taw any that were painted.. S
The Coréan Junks wefe.ora lafgO fize, with only
one'm’afe; buf wq did not fee any under mil. Their
boats in the Archipelago'o f Tchófan'-go more
fimilar to thé Chinefe, and particularly r in thpir mode,
óf.navigating them. They_alfe made ufe' of wooden
anchors, which the Japan eft \dd ’not. Their boats
had 'two maits^and matted fails, but not. extended
crofsTways, with bamboos, like the Chinefe. In the
centre of the veffel^they'^iave'a fire»pfece, built up
with clay in a fquare form : they always keep feme
fire in it, for the conveniency of fmoking.,
They made, ufe ©f fio;; covering- like the Chinefe
til ts^ but covered themfelves up with coarfe dried
grafs eloaks.
The. boats were built of fir, the Ikulls were either
oak or alh, and they appeared' to manage them with
great dexterity. Some of them would 'cany from'
■50 to 6 ‘0 people, and they failed very fall.
. 3 c 2 I thin k