boo k At 1 bv we had deepened'Oiir waters and. we ftëèred-
to. the hf. E., mt^diög 't<ahmxige thè cpaift ^(^htoa>
Noviet up te the%orthward. 3® half an hour's fail we fhort-
^ enedagai® -tp five fathoms j . we then Imuled hur wind
till we ineiéafed '©nr water 'rterf I3'vfejbho(ma> ■‘when, we
again bore away?;to. the <ü; if. E; - 'I fufpe%the slides
had fet upon« a bank, as;w©;éfcfery,ed a fixed bijoy-up*
O® it* whé® tye had tbe jeaft water; but white® the haze»
or more^propefly the fog* presented our j udging' very
correéfcly of any thing, from the perpetual obfcuritif of
the weather.
At 9h., thè wind blowing- fteady and firowg ffom
the S. W., we hauled osjr wind, tiil.daydight, iu hopes
of more favourable iweather. In thefb hopes we were
much difappointed, as the haze orilfog was mueh
thicker ; and the wind veering to • the 'Weft • and; 5C. W.
prevented our feeing or approachmg dhe eo&fi;' of
China. We however flood to the North, as the wind
In the forenoon we pafifed feveral junks, handing
on. different courfes; and all of them we had yet féen
had three mafts, One of them had a fourth: this
was fixed clofe forward and outfide the veffel, upon
the bow'. ' They’ wérè paitited differentlyi to thófe we
rfere aecuffonadd to dee. at Canton, ïÏ
“We had loft1’the thick yellowifh appearance öf the
fèa, but theewater was iStièh-dilböldüïed in patches,
as if difturbed at-the'bofftbm. -
we pafifed clofe to ‘the leeward of alargtejunk, 5*-
whofe after-fails were oTdbttön inftead of matts! She
was painted m tne fore paft and ftcrn only1,' ana o® '
her quarters were., fome ekaxa&erst in black. They
had iee-boards ; but èótwïthftanding, 'fhéwëht bodily
to leeward, and fhe failed very heavily. There were
anpm’twhnty tifeffio'myi^^e litV.
’ïh tlie,morning, wë had*fine, cparfphafitnr Weather;
and having deepenea our water, the lea réfumed its
natural colour.r ’'
23. h. Large Twen from the In . p . qufirtèr.
24 n. iéfr weSi^r;';'' \
Moderate' wina undveïy'méter WeatuëïC 1 ‘ J* -Jr J 4 6tfe
7 h. Light airs inclining to calms/1 ■
12 h. Calm and clear weather.
l$h. "We faw an ifland to the iSf. E. ‘têliïdf tWèlve
w j$
CH AP . -van.
i m - . November*
3 a jf