fiooK Our foundings were at 34 fathoms, and our
|—v—> diftance from the north fhore about five miles. At
May^th. 8 P„M. the Cape bore S. 46° E., and the ^ '.‘extreme
towards Berkeley Sound -N. 64° W.- At 8 A. M;. the
Cape bore S. J>6? E.* and the extreme IMA W.
, At | pall nine we were, five or fix miles from the Ihore,
increafing our foundings from 34 to *35, 48 and 42
fathoms r fmall ftones M the former, in tlie latter fliells
intermixed with ftones. At noon the Qbfcrvation
made the lat. 48° 32* ID"; the meridional altitude being
Q2* .38'. Cape Claffet bore & 70° AE, about four
leagues: illand' of Nunez Gaona S. 82° SC*' E. Extreme
of the land towards Berkeleys SouadtM. WA
. ByJkeeping the ifland ojfcn with the.Claffet:ftior,e,r
there is a good mark for being on the bank; and
foundings may be carried dk>fe home to; the north
June 4th. We fleer d S. E. by E. and E..$~E.; half paft §,
faw Punfco de h>s Rfeyos in that direction. We palled
within a mile of it, carrying regular foundings. I At
i paft 7 we came to an anchor in 15 fathoms, when,
the Pun to de lo& Reyos was juft Ihut ixi with theS. E .
point of Sir Francis Drake’s Bay, bearing S.' 81° VY.;
River entrance* N. by W. * and the extreme, .towards*
J$ort Francifco, bore S. 81° E., our diftance. from the C*
point of bay being about a mile and a half. At noon,
Öbfervéd latitude was 37° 46" M. With two boats J
we explored the ftiore, where I conceive the; place is in
which Srr Francis Drake anchored 1579- We explored
it to%, remarkable fandy patch, bearing M. 60° E., from
the Ihip four or five miles,- and fbuftd ho opening except
the river. A bar .broke entirely acrófs; we had no more
than 9 'feet in pafiing it, and it did not appear Me ,
èriéh-'to!.tfefittitfeJa'^oat -there: Herds-df deer were
feeft feeding on the hills and in thë .fillip '; and a
Communication commenced- between us and the na- T
tivésj who were walking on the fhOtC; Thb Ftlrf I n vented
“Our landing; but one oft "the fail or s fwam to
land, prefentihg them with kniveé; trihkets; &c. with
which they were highly‘gratified. They were ■ ftout
well made men, darkly coloured, and perfeétly naked.
The whmen we're in fome degree clothed. |
This bay -affords good fheiter, except from the
eafteriy Winds ] but the fea cknnht be vefy great even
with them, as'they blow over the land about San
Francifco. There is anchorage here, when the fouth
poiht of the bay bears S. 50° E. off ftiore. .'