33 0®K
I g P 6-
South of Way-loang, liaA lag . a clear, paffage; .and no
foundings with 15 o r. 14 fathoms, tand: before . da r k
joined us in the pffing.
- I believe it is uni^erfall^/acknowled^d the 'change
o f the monfoon takes place in thefe feas. in April,;or
at leaf!; the wiadsnije Variable feeft in no-1 hnbahftance
havewe -experienced ’the obfervation, bavi'ng*jhad a
regular eafterly wind without the finalleft ■ *variatiorr, <tO
dur great mortification and difappointment: for it
In the firft place very much retarded otir 'voyage
■to the North; and in the nexf’ tiy thQ prevalence
of the eafterly winds
curred materially to have ^alfedted the health of dur
peopteewfad weio^niverfally afflicted the dyfeprr
tery, and fomc of them in a violent degree. Wd could
only attribute it fo the hazy atrL'Confined ftate of
the ntmofphere, which fdldoin permitted the fun to
appear. Yet there were fome who-Jft^edted- dur
complaints to proceed from the staler we took
on board in the Typa. Be that a i it may, I never
faw better water in > my ' life, or more chfe taken in
procuring it. In refpedt to our flock,! we were .mate
a t . a lofs' to conje6ture the caufe of their malady,
■and in confequence not being able to afford them
any relief; we loft the whole of our pigs, that had been
our conftant. flock fince leaving Otaheite, and ac-
fc.uftonied to-their diet.
Light breezes and fair weather ; {landing out. to fea
between Poo-tory and the, Great Lem a.
. At 4 li. 30 m. theeaft point of the Great Lenia bore
South three, pi? f<mr^ miles, ,and we. fleered Baft to go
Sppth of pedro .Blanco.
,12 h.- - Moderate . weather, with lightning to the
, ,18 hkH. Very little!wind : at >6 A.,M. we faw Pedro
Blangpi»b0arijQg, N. , IL tbjce&.vor four railesf;
haying run ^0 milesiTpom ithe, time th{efj;Great Lema
bore ^ u th . < I)ark cloudy, , weather, and .fqually;
the wind fuddenly fhifted to thp eaflward. ' At,-22 h.
talked, «md- ftopd to the northward. ,
24 h,-s Moderate breezes, and very hazy weather
prevented our:feeing Pedro.
, prefh breezes, and dark cloudy weather. At, 2 h.
wp %w Pedro B^nco W.; and at 4 M we
paffedpn thf-eaft fid® of it, J^yithln half;a milei &nd we
had 22 fathoms, fine grey fand. We flood in fliore
Three leagues, -but, the gloomy weather prevented our
feeing dn&fland. At 6 h.. we tacked, having 14 fa-
a a thorns.