profeeute their. voyage! The' inhabitants paid a
•vifit; bat. only the men came .into, the veffeb the
women remaining in ' *tbe ; boats*! A fine ftrearnof
water, is at the. back .ofthe fandy beach, whieh-y'pro-'
.cured' with great convenience. : The.volcano ftill coft-
.tinued burning j and. the weftern fideaof i the hill was
entirely covered with pumice Hones,. appearing perfectly
white. < As thq fnioke,?afcended, leeward
we 'experienced a ftroug fulphurous fopjelj; Tn
the evening we Hood over fpr Nipon; and at daylight
Gape Nambu bore S o u th ,A t -noon .the Gape
bore 56° E ; ; Point Efarne, 'N:-5° E. ;| ; extreme.-s.of
Nipon, running opt tp a low ,poipt, .We^.h^nA-we
had, very little current againft us.,
, Soon after noon we had slight winds, which enabled
us to keep in with the coaft of Nipon and avoid fik&
current, which we could plainly diftinguifli without
us running with rapidity.- Before^, we ,'^ajne avbreaft
of the high land we paffed twp- large;towns,.and pb-
ferved feveral junks at anchor within the beach, and
off the eafternmoft town, which is..; fituated at the
commencement of the high land to the W. S, W;. , .pf
the N. E. Cape. The whole country in. this part was
Bearings at noon:d the Aland, S-. Sif“ E., juft ife
fight,* tlifee'i of four leagues ; eaft point of the "harbour
of Agddaddy,vN^l^° E . about, :fpgrr -leaguIesT;' ‘ ex-
trefoesipf> NiponJ five.leagues* making'high.
Ilazy weather obfeured* thfe diftant land«.
At^^iV'tbe wind failed us„, an.d >weK immediately
came fodfoll fatb®Jri5».<W«3^‘bpttpjj*.frpalL.ifland,
off themortfopoint Pf Nipon, bearing-S.I^O^W. one
mile • • Cape^ Nambu, S. 66° E ; Point .Efarne, N. E . ;
ei&eme^fo^ardsj! Matzmai, S. %5j E ; ■ afid ditto of
Nipon,’St 56?.E. «At 18h.-wejgOt qndpr-way, paffipg,
clcsfe tbsther iftand-, An four fathoms, to avpjdithe cu%
rent, 'which.' rum* very?, ftrong, breaking in.., oy^f^ll^j
againft the wind. - i Moderate breezes, „and , cloudy
tyeather. if;
•- flight winds and hazy weather. '• The&po4h: point ipth.
of .Niponis alow flat point,, and ;is„fi'tua,te.d;jn -the
latitude’41°-31^N{. and l:40o50' Greenwich : ,£rop*
it „thedebaft takes* a.. S .^ f-$ direction.rf.,CJape,Nambu
bears S. 10?. E., 'from^the north point, tentqr eleye$
iSk^fihsi' A
; Light airs and calms throughout the, .night; and in;
the hud di|j|i|ed vus tor
C H A P . R V. .
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