M M *strem,e, Ejprth of Info©, and we ip.ade:fail
£j— '— J to get up with Peaked Ifland;*^797. . ! “ but t' he wind v+e*erinsj
^fembej. to 33., wc weift unable, to.weather and at
22 h. we bore away to the Weft, ranging the ifland at
13 miles diftant, in 45 fathoms» rpeky bottom. We
fooo after opened another ifland^ bearing M iilMy,»
tMro Ieng^s. %om jtheiiS. W. point of Peaked IflejL pto
noon we had very-j^eafant.weather.. The .extremes
o | Peaked Ifland extended from pS 10? P. ta-Sj.j6p° E.;
the' Peak, N. E., twp mijqs the neaxeit, p a rt; the
other ifland,! 2C-tch 20?’ W. ^jextxcn^es, <8f Ttffoo,
S,.3.7°' E. The. north part we could Itooft/ec^abeH^
, Unit in witlr the Pfeak;. from which. it bears' north-
rfth. .. ,4Soon..;after noon a canoe frotti Peaked Ifland came
on board. Thefe peoplenwere in' every- refpedt xthe
fame with thofe of Yoleaad’bay. Tbejrlcalled the
Peaked Ifle, Timo-fliee ; and , the mother,-. Tee-fhee.
Timo-fhei© is of ah irregular figure, fix or feven leagues
in circumference, rifing gradnallytffom its hafeda an
imtornihpn. high peaked hill, pfefenting .evidently. a
yiflcapic.crater. ■ Beneath,, it the/mountaih kafes&ch
broken into cragged points, and fo appearance rocky
half way down, forming drains or fiflures, which. 'exhibited
various coloured earths, cinders, pumice ftdnes,
and fu 1 phurous matter: The Chore of thefifland was chap .
Ikirted wr .i th rocks ^ but well rc loth. ed w.i th wood,, even ■'/ —- v—.
half way. up the mountain: » ,, Mi , . September.
. The woods’ we$e diverfified ' with pine trees ;■ ( and
the yerdure on the land gaye.it an agreeable pipfpedt
from the fea,. the bare. parts of, the mountain -being
generally obfeured by the clouds.
As Ave opened the paffage; between life ifland s; we V
qbfðdlTome hooTes^ tA whisrajeurs vifitors* returned;
and w,e <ftpq<t | oybj^c/dp - the ’other 'ifland*# b tit’ 1 cal ms
during,the, night prevented’ ouf .approaching it; and
in the\morning we had. heavy rains,, with a.ftrong
wind .frprd the ,']^?|E.' quarter. At * noon./Tqeiihee
Jypye* from ^fs-7630. E. to S.: 76° .E .; oandcTinia-lbee,
S. three leagues^\r<~ ip j|
Tacked, in hopes oft- W'eathering the ifland of Tee- 7th.
Ihee/'ivUieh^at 7 h- bore. from SC5$°;E. to Baft. It
.extends about four leagdes» in a N: by Jfearrd^S^ b^W.
direction, very moderate .in elevation when compared
with Timo-fhee.-n It rMfe^ abruptly froni; the Tea in
rocky cliffs. <j The northern part'jis low^hhSd^fety- rocky.
On the fouth part we faw fome habitations. ;; The
paffage dividing thefe iflands is to appearance free .
p p " s from