In the laft fldrmifli with the rebels» iafi European'
was-killcd,* and their leader vowed- vengeande* agaifisft)
the four who ftiil
I t appeared, extraordinary th a t;Tamuahmaah fhouldi
neglect his= own ifland,. and leave it cxpofed to any
ufurper; but-A was ftill moie fingplar, that while a:
chief of Atoqi w a s. taking poffeffion of Owyhee, he-
was preparing to; invade the very iflapd from Whene©-
this- ufurper. and his brother Tianaia.came^i Such was*
the afefurd conduit of this chief: who was ruining
himfel£ and his friends!.^y -hia. ambition,, y^tf St the'
fame time, afraid to fend any p i them to Owyhee, left
they alfo fhould fidp •with1-.the, Feyolters.. - A eonftanfc
jealoufy of each, others ppyv’^'&erps, tp. Jje univerfah
amongfi the South-SeaJf'flandsf =y^0 ;;veffel; had been;
in the bay fince- we left i t : every thing was plentiful.
The people were generally, affcifced with the itch,, but
triflingly fo with- venereal. com-plain Is..
I t waa on the morning of the-Epth that- we? .arrived
at Woliahoo, and- waked- in - Whytetee- b ay , for Tarn
aahrna ah to come on board- - At. noon he;yfas with
us, attended .by feverai chiefs, in. a large fa
from the harbour. of Fair I-Iaven.. This boat was --b uilff-
by the Europeans living in this .ifland,. and wasiintended
for the attack- of Atooi; but as that fcheme*
6 & s r
for the. prëfent w.afe given -up, -the .chiefs determined to ch ap.
return to Owyhee.. They hadi, however, endeavoured f *—.—►
fo reach Atppi, but th e weather was too boifterous for
their panpe§ ;i undiAheyrevolf at Owyhee caufed an
alteration iB their plans ifor. the' prefent. .The ifland,
te fe fp e ó t to provifibns, :TOSiwfe than ever, -for all
the'hogs, had been defboyedbwhen the inhabitants left
it to go to Atooi.; and we could procure no vegetables,
as -they had perifhed through negleifh -q£ cultivation.
Thi§. fcarcity ,hadi.papfe^ the deftruSion.- of-many of
the unfortunate natives,. who,- through albfolutfe want,
had been inducpdtofteal whatever came in-their way,
Fqr thefe tljpfts they'.were murdered, by - the chiefs in
the mof% barb.arops mannpj;, and -many were Burnt
glive. It was computed that Tamaahmaah had loft
fix thpufand of his people by the$ contpieft pf this
ifland, .and fübfequent TC^lalmitiêsJ' As the ve‘1%1 built
in the harbour by the- Europeahstwas not ijoite1 com-
plgte^ Tamaahmaah was very anxious TiThoifld leave
with him eye-ry .necofiary artScle fbr hip b^iiipmenfc,
e^ep. to guns and p.ówden 1 preferred him. withTeJ-
Wallhings ïnuch möre ufefiih; luid ’ire'parted in thé
m°ft friend ly- manned with :hisi pormiffion to make a
fettlement op any pf the iflands I.- pleafed; É