So Q & ' 15 h. The gate gi;ad\ialHy| d^preafiim^. - 1
^8gjg*i 18 h. ,v,Light airs; Made1 fe.iL ‘Very clear weather»
o&ober. in- "
- -created’towards noon, with rain, - as the? wind veered-
to the fbul&wafackb *
24 h. Ere fin breezes^/with rainy weather..-:
a6&. 1 h. Strong1 bree‘^ \ iterfe ©lo|gdybW§ftther,
with rain. Half paft 2 h., th© wind? 1®^$©*% .fhiftod t©
th eW. N. W., with. heavy fijuaite, whteh obliged *k&
to clofe-reef the tppfadls.
In the afternoon feveral flocks of gulfs were fee®,,
and two land birds cam© into thefhip.
12 lv Hark cloudy weather, with fhcwep o f baiL
18 h. Frelh breezes and fqually weather... .^afje
more fail-
24 h. Frefli breezes and clear weather. 4f' fouth
of account frace laft obfervaiion.
l h. Frefli breezes and cloudy weather, Mad© fall.
4h. A fmall land bird, of the colour of a chaffinch,
was caught on board ; and a fpermaceti whale
palled clofe to the Ihip.
12 h. Light breezes and clear weather.
19 lr. Frelh 'breezes and clear weather from .the
S. W. quarter; and we made fail to the W. ÏLW.
'■ 2 4 h.
Barometer falling.
1 h. .Strong, bröézes and fine weather.< In feepnd
i|fijj§p$ .b
3 h. A numberof porpoifesabout the Ihip.
5 h. Frelh gates.and dark cloudy weather. Clofe-
réefedtopfails, and ftrack: top-gallant naäßs. At .5| h.
wore Ihip.
_ 10 M. Furled the fore and rnizeu topfails.
12 h. Heavy fquäils of wind and rain, with lightning;;
■* 2© h. Frefli gales and ftrong fqiialls, which obliged
ns to clew up the main toplkil a t utOb^reef
fife CéfiHÉ.' 1 At 23 h. it beeame mbre modetate;- iVith
fete Weä#ia*, and thé. wind rebred tOJthd sM-'Wi Ifehyy
fifcëïi ffém the S. Wbqhartèr; ^
1 h. Moderate breezes and cloudy, with a;great
head fea. Made-nfore fail. Barometer ri-fing faßt.
6 h/ Frefli bVebzes and edouidy ;weather. .
18 h. Clear wèather, with an inOrE&fe óf win#.
18 h. »Strong ^teéezes ..énd daite -eloódii weather!»