&O ÖTC brought, the wind Trom the foüthward.: At 18 h. we
®—v—- had 25 fathoms muddy bottom, the Round; HiU
Scptetófcer. bearing N: 72° W. From the hill the land projeóts to
the Eaft, and prefëfats a range offteep, ^ipckyefifts.
To the north and fduth of it the land is, level and
uniform, Sand much indented, bat we fijw. no appearance
of any openings. At noon the Eaft coaft extended
from N. .86° E . tó S. 40° E. 10 or. 12 leagues.
•Land Pabout our anchorage; to .thé .:JL, • |6°rafe
Round Hill Ni 53° W .1 South extreme of weft coaft
S. 29° E. three or four leagues. 27 fathoips; clayey
igth. ' Strong gales and very hazy weathei^. jwith 3 a , Jame
At lh . we, brought to -under a low foil,; as wp
could not fee any thiqg oftbp-laad* At 5 h.. it,cleared,
away, and the land extended from North to S. M - by
S. four or five leagues. Soon after we bore up and
fteeredforittifl dark, when it was diftant two leagues;
and we- brought to ; the. wind was more, moderate,
and,: gradually abated towards midnight, i >vhep it
again Ipmngup from the eaftward, mad wer made fail
to clear the land. At 17 b. 3Qpa. the land was feen
from- *'N.. to -S. W .: neareft part, Weft,, two leagues,
high and rugged. •;
The wind ihcreafèddo a- frefh, gale .in the morning,
with fqually, cold, and unpleafant Weather. At times
we could diftinguifh high landen, the eafterrt fhóre-,
but- very- imperfectly. At 22 M. -the obfeurity of the
weather induced \is to.tbringi.to; and at, 23= h;, iit
clearing-, away, .we again fleered to .-the,-South* At
noon we had frefh gale's, with hazy threatening weather,
and heavy-fhOwers oft rain. -The land was juft dif-
d^rflible to« the-.W. S-. W., four or-five leagues diftant.
Some albatroffes Iwere feen.- .t
The wind having increafed to-a hard gale,« with very
heavy fqualls and a large fea,, we layed to under a
low fail. At 5 b . wefaw the land - througV'tlie haze,
fromt|3Sforth to S. W. by S .; and!the weitther,being
more moderate wfe bore away;, fteeringaicaUrfe parallel
with the coaft. fAt 6 h. th e , fouth| extreme bore
S. 48°; W . ; high land a-ibréaft of us, .AVefe; about jfive
«er fix J®agues* At ,8’h. i-.wev brought to.|g The ,gale,
. after funfet, fubfided ;;« and at :1,6 In- t e a s calm, with
a. good deal of fwell,;and fine clear weather.., ':