BO^OK High water at the full and change of the moon at
k—N—1 4 h. 3(7 apparent time; rife and *796. _ * *■ fall between four and
■September, five feet. - We experienced no tide at anchor^. *3
^ift*** Frefh breezes and fqually weather. In .the afternoon,
the wind being Ready and blowing ftrong, we
got under way, carrying two reefs in the tbpfails, and
teasde* failrfor Point EfiannA.khAt A h..v7'- the fonth
: point 'of' Errdomo harbour bofie Eaft three miles, arid
at 6 h-30' it bore N.'N. W., tire volcano S. 78° W.
It was now dark, which -prevented-, any remarks:? to-
wards Point Efarme : we therefore, at 8 h., altered
our:courfe,, fieeringfor Infu,''purpofi-ng to- explore it
,tpjthey northward. At 18h. we faw . the-land‘bearing
-fro;mJN[. to N._75°-.E. fix orfeveijuleagdes.
2d. - Strong breezes and cloudy weather:-. At; .2. h. SO
J we rounded the rocks off the point,, arid ffiaped. our
courfe-inthe direction of the Chore, _att wo or three
miles diftant. ,At: 6-h, •the.S.-E. point .ofi^iEnfii! bore
, S. 25° W. five or fix leagues-; and; the extreme toctfae
North, N. 25° E. to,30° E .; and wf& had 20 fathoms.
The night was moderate, and we kept, plying under
eafy fail, having regular foundings from_20^ to 46
, fathoms.. .iVe were much in thejfmpe^fituption at
day-light: to-the South, the land was high and rocky;
and to the north-Weft,» it became low and cliffy. At chap.
a confiderable diftance over t-he, low land, w-e %w very „ &—-—-*
mountainous land entirely covered with fnaw;. In oaober.
general,,,the; eoaft Was very ifid^ffeseivtly wooded.
Extremes,from S.. 37° Wytp'4^. 3Q° ,E., three leagues
off Chore,
The breeze came in from fher fea*, and', we fipered 3#-
along the ftiore^which continued low aae| levels < To
the N. W. appeared the entrance- of. a river* or a deep
bay, clofed by Iqw land ;jjbut I rather^think ,the former.’.
At funfet we had very little wind, and the ex-
tremes^bore from_N*62° E. to S.*36“ W. ;.,an o p e riin ^ ^
N. 30-°’-E. ;,, and We fhore .three or fqur
At 7 h. we were taken aback with the wind from
the l a n d . rè f ' ' > ■-
At day-light the extremes bore frorn^N. 40° E. to
N. 62° W. feven or eight leagues.
At noon the extremes N. 70°f E. to S. '76°■ W .;
ftarboard. point of an opening in thé land N: 2 1 ° W.,
off Ihore four or five leagues; Peaked Hill-N. 9° W.