B 0-0 IK
Tjght'breezes and fine clear weather.
-5 h.' As the wind veered, round to' the N. E. we
November had dark and hazy weathers
■ioth.1 h. Out all reefs and^made fail.
21 h. Current S. 83°’ W. "^o‘miles.
- ‘24 h. Breeze, inereafrrrgj With fine ’weather, and
Tmootfr wafer. " S
21 ft. Moderate breezes - an d. fine weather.,
Bwgki « d a m d f f iw i t h j , rllg^^inigt
S. quarter.
10‘h. A tlO h . 30 no bottom t d j
and, w£ bad, %h^llj; ^wi#^.Kghfrii|ig,
and continual rain. Clofe-rcefed the tophus*’ arid
bronghCto the wind» astIuao gould? n gf % rpilfl
Ifrh. The weather more; moderate and dlear.: lfore.
r up and purfued our former £ < sm f h i■« AA ISdvfried for
foundings: no bottom 100 . fathoms.. Ilazy fhWers
- - of rain andfqually weather.
24-h. Moderate, and cloudy weather..
22d. Moderate breezes and fqùaHy weather, with-.heavy
fhowersof-raik At. 4h. 30'. faw land todhe.W.Ifi'VW. ;
an4 at 5h. SO' the extremes-estendedi frorn S„ 6T°JW.
to N , 5 5 ° W., five or fix leagues. It»appeared. ó|*ïöoderate
derate elevation.5« - from, .'-cifAF,
the gloominefs of .the weather. At 8.h. wehauled Otar
Wind for the, night, which continued! Tnoderatev with NovSber.,
frequent ftiQwers of rain.; and. wes.eould not reaekther
bottom .with 115 fathoms of linew
13-h. ‘'Calm.mid cloudy at daylight the land bore
off us W . S. W . , ten or twelve leagues p the'current
having fet us to the eaftward during, the night. Towards
noon&breeze fprung up, and we-made. falkin
for land. This morning we weiie foithnastfe in having!
good obfervatfons for the latitude^ and longitude,
whickdetfeèniàed ©urfituationi a t nooir very- exadïïy,
and*, we - had the following. bearings.: a : laddie hill
Mj 24° B., and?, the ■extremes from Nf40°Bi, to Wu
appearing, a t interval part óf the lâ,àdy oeadè /u& eon*
jeâamvthe wholei to. be eonjtedted.. The. land?to the
W.SvW.i’we did: not foe.
Trefh breezes and cloudy weathëf,:and we flood in ~ 23d. '5 - '
for the land. At, 4diéusrs.if: was fquallyfc with train, ‘
whichioMbifred. it from oun vdew. ; Atdlfo wejtfrcfed
within two or .thfceed^gu*es»of aJduffipointÿ Wbidibore
fromius- 12° W., but we* Htod nofounddbgfe wïtfaî8â
fathofriw To^ the ©.> é |i fh©>*pomtei the làndhàp*
peaked IP reeedfo-confider&bljp, leaving? the? prfrfpe#
óf àa*- openidg-; but tlie ifopérf&i; #i#w we had!