BQ o K guns, , which >ye .returned /with, five.* I /Our fliip i was
»-r-v—w inftantly fiurrounded with canoes, fillpd with women;
jjmuary. fruit, and vegetables. In the afternoon, we,-pioored.
with-the > ftream-anGhor ;i,n -18 fathoms, >the points
forming Karakaakooa bay bOre from fe^'-W/ftqJW/'
. 3° N .: off ihore 150 fathoms. i
1ItIu ‘ Ourtpiitwas pitched in a field adjoining,the Morai,
for the aftronomer to afeertain the rates of the watches/
Lieutenant Young of the Marines, with a corporal
and feven privates commanded the party, for their
protection. The ground being taboo’d,, no perfons
were permitted to Come within the limits j..befides the
priefts of the Morai : a more retired fituation for-the
piïrpófe could not have been found.
Since we croffed the equator, the fhip had made
from two to four inches water per hour, we therefore
took this opportunity of. finding out the caiife^ by
unftowing the holds and heeling the fhip, &c.; ’all-
our efforts' however proved unfuccefsful. The bread
room was alfo cleared* that the weevils . might
be deftroyed by fire, and we were mortified that
this could only be effected in fome flight degree.
We* fired/a-faîùte/to honour offher-Majefr/s birthday.
| 'hhe’-lweather became! more favourable for the/
aflronomer’s ebTervations^andson the ,20th- he got ‘
equal altitùdë^fôr the firft time, fifiErom the 2.6th to
the S lâ the weather prevented any observations : on
tte^ecehmPP^§f$ th a t day he had . correlpOniding, alti-
tndes/’^'fhe tents wereiba mediately ftrileB, and with
the -Of double canoes ^%r our boats -could
not land) we ;got- everything; from the Ihore, and/
failed from the bay a t 4 AvM. with the land-wind.
Luring.our anchor a f e in this bay for thrèe Iwëèkfe, we
texperienp^^éonftant land-winds during the night,
Which gradually died away -by"’ 8 A: Mv; and ^during
the day yefcy^fight airs and breeds prevailed from the
fea, The? furf feldom permitted /Ouï own boats to
land* which put us,to no great inéqnveniençe* as. the
ù^tijyes readily offered their »cànpes^ which weto
fafer conveyances.^ -I had every reafon to' be fatisfied
.with our reception^and the general'behaviouAqf the
natives. No. theft o f eonfequençë was committed,
.nor any interruption given-to onrr purfuits. Though
nearly the whole/of the i ihip’s company were - at
different times* on there, yet they were never infulted,
but treated,, with .pniform good-will and,/feindp#|^
Ample fupplies of hogs for our daily Gonfumptioa
/„■^ere ferlt to us, fi;o.m Ta-maah-maah, by the influence
fplifjff /; a Bri