book no account 4o lbt them befeeniby the Europeans at
' Atdoi.
Idly, , ■■ 1 g /'p- 5 ■ /
i--' -We''Were anxious &«/readh Ahwi hefen® th® mselaim-
<chc3y new» ©©old hWiv# ’tf e e , ’‘'Ml? Aiitf'-ifcii^dbeiug-'
Eaft was direct lyfeppofite to out coatfe.-: This- was
«»lucky, for -we could not fuppofe ihdfe M; A^bdi; who
were piivy tb' the -tranfadbion, -wbuld ;truft:-theruf|lyefe
oh board, it beihgfour opinion -that’the fchetaefXra.6
Concerted at ’that iflaftd, and Hughes the ^European
had knowledge -of it % his ntot ■coming' with Tupa-
raro.- I was therefore obliged' to give up the idea
for the prefent, intending to stake the chancei of
a favourable wind, iliould it have »happened in n,
few days, and in the meanwhile to fettle the fibuation
Bird and Montague Iflabdt.';: "We therefere
madedailJ fOrj that purpofej fleering 'W.yby S. ’Thh
ifland of Oreheua is in OB' N..; Idlfg/* 199"
50' E.
Auguft ift. i At 6 P. M. we fast a Imall ifland bearing Sb *6£°, W/.
about twelve leagues. - At 10 we hauled our wind,
and remained plying under ©ur tOpfails till day-flight,
when the ifland 'bore iS: 6B° W. -feven-Jor ; iight
leagues. ; We' made fail in that ?direction* ^atimoon
we paffed it within- two miles; when: it bore{from
§jl S. 28?
$: to- S. 41° E., and. we had f5 fathoms fandy
bottom. It is not more than a mile in extent in any
direction, riling abruptly -to a confiderable; elevation
a t each .extreme, and low in the middle. It appeared
in a,credible to boats, and.-inhabited only by various
fea-birds, who made' their nefts in, its perpendicular
cftfls* v ;..
This-hland was-fe&npn 1789, and is well defcribed
and placed Captain Douglas., The charts .make
tym^flflsends neadthis fituation; , .we-could only fee
one with a ©fear horizon. Bird Ifland we .place in
f ir 3' 50'"N. }iong^|19t° B.byNo. h |
. At; € P- M -. the ifla®djhpre.§!. 3B° E. nine or ten 2d.
■ leagues: many.birds in-fight.
As' the wind kept invariably fixed to the eastward, 5*-
I found there was go profpe&' of again jfeeing ^tqoi,
without too great a delay; I therefore, g^ve up the"
ideay, and made fail to the Weft ward,, meaning to
keep in the parallel of B8° 30' N .; a tradb- we'had no
reafpn. to imagine had ever been prolfech before, and
which naight lead us to 'feme new, , As. we
had not found the ifland of Donna Maria Lagara to
the .Eaft, I alfo thought it probable we might ftill fall
C H A P .
M in