B0I01D Frcfli breezes Tand dark i threatening weather' pre-
^ 7 ^ ven[ed om having a meridian obfen ation JW the
November latitude'.: and the.few remarks we were able to make
' 5 on. tlièféd f l a i i d s .incomplete, on 'account of th e
weather which prevented our having any coinmumca-
' lion with th em ; and we -plain!y ‘faw they were’ inhabited..
I fuppofed them to b è theiftands of Fatfifio,
fa called*: in thc'chaits. 'I’hedafgeA bears’ from what
J diftmgudh as Outei IflandsN. by W. and S. by E.,
13 or 14 leagues/ - The wefternmoft one’ is only a high
peaked hill, not -more than onre-leaguedn circuit; and
if it had not been inhabited I fnould have imagined
it: to:be iiadcefflble.: Om thcmoith point the houfes
wêfé:fürroünded with Cultivations'* laid out’ ’in ridges
on the acclivity of the hill, as before remarked on
Nipon. This ifland is two or three miles to the fouth- '
weft o f the other, and between them appeared a clear
channel. After paftmg without the .peaked' ifle, we
hauled up to examine.the other; but the wind veering
to Eaft, w-e could not- approach within thrbe tit
four leagues^ I t extends N. W. and S. E. three or
~ four leagues, and prefented a very fertile'appearance!
The higher-parts vHie obfcuicd fry:th e haze : its lat.
.33°..e E., and 440? E. long. The appearance- of the
weather gave us no hopes of a change; we therefore
- fleered
Mfttfng fiMhg- »galOs Mth a C fit A$.
great deal of r a i n . H o Viy.ff. i u ' f -fe niii t ,fd. . -Th-^
'Wm>- ,
t V. A “ ■ \: ■' j * . - * ■NbrcnWCT.
# vStfbd’g galife lof-wiridy witfr%h%k afji<t r&ihy w^athCf. xoth.
I TJ§te fim t iwckfh^, > ^ifh edhtifiilhf arid
b e brought
a®sd; foyefadi^ jvilsh«
u.i l£ h . Heavy h j^ ll^ r h a d large fea from
f JDittb WdaiitC^, '• # ith frequent fqualls
heavy faine ftonr tht>hS/E?-^Mh?fef©kfe tip the g&fel
and fboh fecsafcsd califfr fdd
and conftant rain. Set the topfails. V
_ 23 h. Barometer very low! I
24 h. Light brfeezes from the- north-weft, and th e
appearance of fair weather. .
The wind foon increafed to a frefh gale, 'with .very * „ t|||?
heavy fqualls; and foon after their violence obliged us
ftp furl the topfails. We kept, our wind-undfrrfoonrfes,
in hopes of feeing the. land ; which we difoovered at
3 h . SCXto the weft ward, three of four 1 e a gu ds-.’d"ro m
ns. W,e, then wore fhip, and trie d for foundings.
The weather prefented a moft threatening .appearance- v
in the weftera quarter, and we hauled up" theeourfes-'
u to,