B-Q..Q K hanging from them. v. Tljeiy^drefsus only .^orn in .cold
weather, which they flip off and pn..as may.be?moft
Septewfher. conveDient^lin the hot feafon they "only weaf a piece
of. linen-round their waifts..- The femalp, drefs differs
little from that of the men, except that their go whs-
reach-to the middle of their legs.:| fome„of .them .were,
| formed of feal o£: d'eer ?tkins, adorned w.ith pieces of
blue'-eloth. . The featuresjof thej\y,c^en jj&Te pleafing,
though much disfigured by the,. moiJeOf ctftting their
hair. Their behaviour was, modeft,., referve'd-j* and be--
coming- their,fex. 'The children,vfent; entirely naked.
The men faluted;us in the-moft humble, manner, fit—
ting down erofs-Iegged,. ftroaking their beards after
ftretching fortb their hands, and bowing nearly to
the ground.
Their houfes were built , of wood, and .the walls-
formed of reeds, as well as the thatch. ;, Intthe’ cdm&fpj
was the fire-place, and fmalhopenings a tta c h endi.of
the roof to carry off the ftnoke. Over the fire-place
copper fauce-pans for^oking were fufpended, and a
flight fcaffolding drying filh and grain. A platform
was raifed above.dhe. grqund,; colored .With Ikins-i
and mats, on which they/flept. | Their dwellings ?#e,rfe
generally of an oblong form.
ThëirfóodiCohfiffs chieflyof driéd^fith, boiled with CHAP.
tea-weed, 1 and mixed with a little oil made'Trom the *—$Ss>
liver ö i‘th'd!fun-fifli. They alfo feed upon feveral kinds September,
„of fruits and vëfëfablfes,*}fuch as" graces,^winter berries,
ttie fruit‘öf the' br^iiible^ ahd btfifetsi' -with' millet feed|,
&c/* '% f '■ thd1' kept young bears and
eagles in cagqs^5 probably/fof'food, as w é 'could not
prevail'upon them to ^ a p f'w ith any. ‘ Indeed their
^bvërty feemed to allow little’“in the way o f barter?
for éven' filh1' We;> cdulHTelddm pfb'ëürèy though- i t was
their ’conffafit ëmploymem’^ to ? da'tch-theth. Wild
gtapës were plentiful,%iid' aitpecies of garlic dr .chived -
Théif ^bóa&^'Wèfè^üfft* chiefly of fir, ' wftlf- upper
ftreaks, mcVèitfi'ng ' thBir - width aloft, and continuing
forehand %ft/' making'them fhar^* a te a c h end; rThey
Wërè fewed- ’tbgether-, with- t-wifted ‘ willows,-and--the
teams filled up? with mofs. In-pulling-they made üfe
o f ikullers ^ but inftead of palling them» together, they
moved one after the other, Wtóohvprevehted -them'
ftómVgoihg: in .a ftraat linè. Their netssiwere fmade/of
the twitted'bark of the lime .tree, dyed'with-oak hark.
Their hooksj haTpoonsj > r&pvpWere, pi-ocjped from the
Japan cfe. The, repairing jof$ their.; boats* feems. their
clii’èfemployment, added Jo. jthpir .collecting and drying
tlTe tea-weed, of which a large quantity is exported,
p 2 to