76 a voyage of discovery
B00% fliediately filter : heard a fifing &om thé >öat; As no
!' fignal was made, I thought this firing was intended to
m i rbêhllTMTe^hö Wëte abifefit-j but föön after, the fignal'
WaS heifted’fctf the phiiiacSê, when I lent an officer
With marines tö: their afliftanee. - O n the return of
dfië'öfthe boats, I heard with mudh ccMeeril 'that the
two mariries were killed ; and th a t the maté, with tliè
Tjëtóhifi» :Wfco‘ Wéftt 'üè'. tHtffer, iïad'efcaped' 'with the
greatefrs difficulty. The piööéwfe',1:eÉfiïödéa!-ótó'flifi^
to protect the dead bodies Jxorn . the^ nati|ès,M^hp
Ifeemed anSlfluS to get them, "th b u g h th ë f funk
below the furf! Ais
^lèdë Without the Fmallëft^ bii bSE part, f
cëufëïtëafwith the officers on th e 1 muafbfé^aéëétotfy
to Be ptrriiied. Their‘advice was, a t alfJffeVenti‘to
prèibiifcfhe natives from getting thè bddi^Fand ftir
üs to^röföèd Hb Atcioi, whefe, by-getting fónlèV'tfrë
chrefe in bur power, we. might oblige| therii to.deiivet
Up Tuparafbp and the other prineip als hi thefë hdnid1
•itfötftóèl’ :fW& -aifo'-tftdfcglit it neCeffaty to «take $ 8 $
«sample on Öfe fpot. The béats W ^ ;^eMof€jmamedj
and dirè<Tiótfs; ‘givèö' that tiletÖhfïfes1 ïhohlfr bdfn
every houfb, canoe, and plantation, within è niile from
the bëach whèïë thè böats’wère,and ffioMd returfi
before fünfet As they Wetit ^We heard ibme firing
from thé pinnacè, Which j^chifiónêd the boats to land
without refiftance. The natives took care to keep CHAp.
out of the reach oh the fiiot; or if they were near, to
drop down o n .feeing-the fialb, and then to run away. Js# .
The houfes-were footi in frames;' and fixtedn' canoes p
on the beach wefe burnt or deftroyed: All this tirtie
the 'natives’affembled in grdfat numbers,^ armed with
fpears J two bf them had the ill-faited marines' mufkets
and accoutrements. As our people advanced they
fled, and fo prevented any perfbiM- atonement for
their treachery! ‘ In the mean while, the bodies -were
found in abonlVfeet water.* ’> M 3 P.M. Mr. Mu'dge
retiirned, when the native's immediately * riifhed into, ;
the water* fearching for the bodidS; and foun-d the
grapnel our people had loft in the attack.
Of all the murders that haveWen comifiitted-ih thefe
’ fflan 1 2 this^eems as unprovoked as aby.4' The caufe-of
"it I cannot account for ; but the manber of committing
it was related to me in the following manner, by Mr.
Cowley, the mate, and the botanift, Alexandfef Bifhop,
Who efcaped. Th^mate,-on feeing the fignal, ordered
the boat in, and ftruck the tent: The marines u n ^ ed
tfieir bayonets ; and one of them gave hfe firelock to
the botanift, while he put the tent in the bag. At this
inftant^ While they fufpefifced no ddn^r; The botanift
was knocked down from behind; and Tupararo run