book, -within 50 feet of the rock, but further from it there
-v— > was no bottom with 30 fathoms. . This rock , is in the
fame bearing with the centre of Tatouche Ifland and
' Cape Claffet N. S6° W., and S. 36° E. about f a-mile,
and bears from the ifland of Nunez Gaona S. 80° E.
about fix. miles oi a 'little more., -We p.affed.'within &
mile'of the Claffet fliore, and at, 4 P.M. carne^to
an anchor in the entran cd - of* the bay^nt 1%/athcnas.
The weftem extreme towards the Gape b;or,e S.- 80- W
and the north point of the-ifland which. ferms^the
bay N. 76°. E., off fliore nearly a mile. It was in this
bay that a Spanifli Ihip reinained. 4 months, 17§fif
There is good anchorage in siit, pletit^^f^wpod and
watei, with an extenfive beach||gr hauling the feiji^
Off-the ifland are feveral tpefs, of - rocks %lfoo,wing
themfelves by the weeds, with a good paffage between
, them and the main cag-ying 5|*fathomS. ^ N. W.
part of the ifland is in lat. 48! 43'' N.». anddong.
235° 15' 45" £.; var. per amp., 22° 34--E. , If Duncans
rock is kept well on the Claffet fliorej and the ifland
open with it, there is a clean, paffage to the northward
of it, where the hay may be entered, with
lafety, and the anchorage chofen at plcafure. It flows
at full and change lh . 30m., rife and fall of the tide
about 10 feet. There is little or no tide- in the .bay,
but withoutifdt runs ftfrong, and caufes a ripling CHAE.
which breaks When it blows lYelhagainfl the ftream. ■ 1796.. ,<
' l May-;
f In tWmbrmng we .weighed with the ebb,.and at noon 24th>
Tatauche-Ifland bore, S. 30°. E /two or three leagues.
At i wb'flood’ towards the ifland, ajtL,
which atbtf'F.M. bore't§JhiW. p at 8 P.M. it bore
Idf.aff-the north Chore three.or four miles: . On
approachmg*ifhev illand,iWe had. no ground with 100
fathoms.dgAt 4 A. M. Tatouche Ifland* bore S* 25° JE.
thrbe leaguesVwe had 65- fathoms, and 53, and 37
to 8- fathoms. whe^Gape GlaffetVborecS. 43°. E .: N*.
extreme N. 5$°,W. At noon the weatfcggj: was thick’and .
ealm : .ttineeJoE fourmiles'from the,fliore.', a
: A.light fepeCzefrotothe^Sv W'.^quhrter- cartifi^ us tq 26th.
•the S. E. nine^miles, when tbpyflland,of,|Junez Gaona
bore S. 85° E.|p Cape Claffet S.%65* W- and Tatouche *.
Ifland &s;77^E.- thrfeebpil:|0^: wb hncftnb’ fo'flriflihgs, • *
'When the Cape boce S*S,E4 f'Ey the pinnacle'rbe-k
without it appeared "Very • femarkabld. y At 8 o Clock
,*we-tacked, and- having rum 41 milfes^-M. W5 by'<jNK
we .had 43-‘fafthQms; coarfe ‘gravel and -c'odrfe* fandj
but. 'as we jhoailed oui watci tfhehcdarfeAground def .
icreafed. . . • * • **-■ j
1 Our