BOOK from S. 74° E. to S. 60° E. four or five leagues; the
-—-v-—- body of Otaheite iflandj S. 20° E . ; and the ifland of
December. Eime'o, S. 4° E. The wind continued moderate from
Vanaiion^ the N. E. quarter, and at noon we had no fight of
u d i P .M . 3a r id .
4 »9' e- 3
Adams 3° 7' ’ ?
At f paft 4, P. .1 . made the long.;210tt 12'
03",' when Point Venus boreSi 53° E, 12 or-13 miles;
which will make its longitude 210° 32' E:.v the faine'as
by Captain Cooke. On the 28th it agreed within-3'
of the longitude of Ohitepeha Bay,l? the day after we;
made the ifland, the elapfed time being-only 1 2 day%^
of courfe we had no reafon to fuppefe it had altered
its rate fihee our leaving Port Jaeklbn, and-made us
the lefs~regret that the aftronomer could make no ob-
fervations /en Point Venus, Where he was prevented by
the tumbling motion of the quickfilver, caufed by the
linking of the fiirf.* which affected the point of land
where his tent was raifed.
i6th • Weather moderate, with flight fqualls' at intervals.
At § paft 9 we-faw an ifland upon our weather-beam,
bearing N. 78° E .; at f paft 11 we tacked towards it,
and it bore from us at noon E. to E. 19°S., juft in
fight from the main-top. I eftimated its diftance. to
be 5 or 6 leagues. The fouthem extremity was the
higheft part, cfrvtered with trdes, moft* prdbably cbcoa-
nut from -their appear&n£e, Vs they ftdod in detached
clumps along the lhoi%.’ ‘;Thcfe ;beartrlgs will place it
in the -latitude ^99 ‘^7' 'B?1 andAohg; ;
but it lhould be fecoUe&ed, that^h%' were taken'by
a fmall compals from the maft-head, the angle fub-
tended by a quadrant.-
^ TÎ,.
DAéc7èm9Îb*er. .;
Varîàttons. ~|
16th A . M.
N» 3. 4 33'
Adams 5° 48' u
Walker j ”37' 1
Infpefitiori 50 1
The ifland bordVrom’ E. { S. to S.!5E ;by E. 2 E. r7th-
about five leagues ; it appearedWo be low, and covered
with' #des,lWnd* if I am -flght mails' eftifnatediaiftaifce, I ,
its> length wil-rfee abont’five rrfdfe"ill ai north atid'fbutli
direfetion. I named it ‘Carblina Tflandin coiiifliiirient
to*'the- daughter b f ISir P . ’Stephens of the 'Ad-'
miralty. ::
We had a-fwcll from the N. E. which was not i8tfo.
experienced before, and which I attributed to the
low iftands that extend in a parallel towards the
Marquefas. The Pacific- Ocean is covered in Tome'
parts with low; iftands^ and as the wind blows from*
them it caufes the water to be fmooth, for when there-
is no impediment of land the fwell is obferved tb Jitf-‘
creafe according to the wind.