rilgHt was mbdeiate, but we bad no foundings through- CH Ap.
out. At 18 h the noi tlie, n ifiands borfe ’from- N£Tr. v—
to S. 79° E , and we fteered N W. for the coaft. Some Now^ed
of tliefc iflands were of little extent, forming round
hummocks: the centre ones long and narrow, with
white cliffs/*-and cbnuefeecf by??]bwAfthmnfds. • The
largelt was .the Volcano, which affoV&edm ' pleading
piofpect, being cultivated -and- clothed'1 with verdure
towards -the- peak/ whidh' te|fe;gfaduallj- to a •epn-
lideiableCheight. We -flaw :iio friioke lffue -from the
Crater', which appCaied much bioken. ° :
At noon the north extreme, which'I cb'hc^ive uofms
the weftern poiftt of entrance to Jeddo bay, bore
57° EA and the ebaft exfendedfrohf thShceAb
W: by 1ST., - off fliore five or "fix leagues/of moderate
. Moderate Breezes and variably weather, and very jVtp
hazy, " which, prevented our obferying Al|e rnain .land
diftindllyp ’ "Near ’the feacTt" appeared lbw and lefel,
with yery-high -.double Jand^ to the JST. W., rifing/to '
pfounitipps.. ,.Io.the North, the fhbre was .much broken
and indented/ and appeared 'fo' form '-an" openingr. -
At 5 h. 2ft' A low pohrt,makmgTheheaieft: land/bote
:®. ? E five leagues4 ,’And we had vSyy dark,"gtobin'y,,
threatening- -