BOOR rigged, and rogiftered at 87 tons. On tfeo 3©th
>—■-v-w joined us' InsMatod Tygh t On which f e y ^riy^d
®ecemLr.- Admiral Rainer, in his Majefty's fhip. Suffolk, Egth
the Swift floop of war from Ambeyna, having-e-om«
from thence’ through Gilolo paffage, -and bound to
Madrafe on the eoaft ,of GoromaijdcL- Four, homeward
bound Indiamen. J j pined thpmi in, i;feah#0 roads
from. Canton, and failed under .theft -convoy oi$ the
7th of January 17:97-
*797. . The weather throughout the laft .mou&b, Was.:cOJd
January:. gn(j pleafant,varying in the night, the ; wind- ftorij
North t© K E- in the day* with fine weather, butyery
hazy, and generally blowing iferong feom ,fp|iiife till
fnnfet* when it ufually moderated. The carpenters
were bnfily employed caulking the fhip, and repairing
Our other defers where moft neceffarjbs:.
Throughout this month we were employed repairing
our rigging* and in other refpetfts refitting the flaips
and repairing the defeats of the fchooner, altering,the
Rep of her main-mafl, and. making new fails both lot
her and the fhip.
On. the 18th fired 21 guns in compliment to her
Majefljfs birth day- The 20th and. !? 1ft were vety
f^uaHy^with iaiti ;;..and‘i^4^Be^fo^pr weatbcsf. An
EngftfU brig,, itailerl the Experiment,. was nearly loft
in . the late Mowing weather* and only fayed' fey, the
affiftanee of our boats. Tke.winds werei .very; regular
from-the N .E . quarter* aradwe;- had, with very little
variation, conftant dyy and coOl Weather-.
Having completed the' càufkihg of 'the, fhip; the, February,
earpentex^iw^re employed in* Repairing the copper
under water, arul othes neceffary aypcations^jdChinefe
painters, .wj^fi, engaged' painting the fhip and boats ;
and the fliip’s company, completing! the dicing, and
receiving fome prohibons lorn Macao, viar;’ bifcuat*
caUivances,. rice, aaad arrack ; failmakers ab wqrM ©n,
fliore,. oppoftte the fli ip*, where we pitched fome tents
for their pônvenâehÇÿ'fi ahdj Others'fori thd ;a&wnt®meE
to.regulate the going of a. time-piece we had upon a.
trial; Winds- and weather continued much the feme Î
and a t intervals, when the wind was variable,, we had
fame ftiowers of rain-.
The Governor of Macao, with fevered gentlemen,,
dined: on board- His Excellency was. falutcd. with,
eleven guns.
The fftonth fët in with variable and fqually weatheri tyforfcb;.
attended with frequent rain. The fchooner, on the
I V-IL ,,
\ fffëPf'-