B£M3'K High water, full and change o f-they moon, 5h. 8$
*—•— 1 apparent I time<rrifh and fall W
. The entrance intof this iextfenfi ve- hay is formed by
the land, making the harbour,-which -the* natives oall'
Endermo, and the fouth point of .entrance, which’ they
named, Kfarmi. They hear horn each .other :N: \T-
"VY> and eleven :lea|pibfc' iawhjfe
than three volcanoes in4 he;baj, wh&feihd’uced-ine
to call it by that name. There are 50 fathoms
of water in the centre, and the foundings gradually
deereafe ma approaefcdaLeiihm : but; €Eei
lketehi to which. I refer will f heft explain; though it
h&s bo, pretentions to any great; accuracy.:;;;;
During our flay* at the period bf the equinoxes, we
experienced generally-ivery, -fine weather, -with geatle^
land and fea winds from the N..WV and S. E., and no
fwell to prevent a Ihip riding in fafetyeven in thlf
b ay ; and the harbour of Endermo is perfectly fhel-
tered from all bad weather. I
I have feen few lands that bear a finer a^>e<9; than
the northern^fide df Volcano bay.; It prefents an
agteeable divfdj^yo£rffingl wounds»- aijd' pleaf