the Ship.—Excurfion to Ship Cove.—At Anchor in Juan de Fuca’s
Inkt,—Sir Francis Drake’s Station, 1579. ^-Arrival at Monferey.__
Plan adopted for the 'Voyage, '
Paffage from Monterey to-Owyhee;—Arrivaf at Wohafioo.—At Wy-
mpa Bay, Atooi.—At Onehow.—Inhuman Murder of two Marines'
by the Natives of ;the laft Tflahar^Separture for Japan-.—Vifited
by fome Inhabitants of Infu.—Anchor iri'Vokano Bay,
Remarks oil the Coimtey. and Inhabitants round Volcano Bay.-_
Courtefy o f' jhe- Japanefe.-HTlefcriptloiL of the .Harbodr' oh En-
derhio.—Obfervations on the Natives—HeirDiefe~»«Qrnaments— •
Habitations-—Food—Boats—Articles of Commerce—Agriculture.
' —-Remarks oh !theul5GS-^Trees^Pj^ts-^Birds^Mfh-fe3^ a®ru i
peds.—Aftronomical Obfervations.—Range along the GoaiftW'
Infu.—Spariberg’s Hand, -
. c iiip . y t :i ;
Paflage to Mareekan. one of the Kurile Hands.-^-Through the Straits u
of De Vries.—Company’s Land.—Staten Hand.—Unfavourable
Weather prevented our going’ through the Straits-of Sangaar.—■
Range the eaftem;9Cbaft 'Tof'^apah;—Bay-of*‘Je3SoiftS^apinefe-‘‘
- Boats.— Jatfilco Hands,— H' jwpl— - 1
" “C H A P . V I I ." '
Paffage to the Lieuchieux Hands.—Off Formofa.—Arrival at .die.';
Typa, Macao.—Pufchafe of-a Schobiidlr.-—Preparations for the
further Profecution -of die Voyage.^-Nautical Obfervations in the
C O N T E N T S . xix
book Tr.
Transactions' 'during "6{ir'fs‘6<5ond Expedition to
the North through.'tlie.’.-'Strait&rpf Sangaar, -and
on our ’Return hqine hv the Coast of Corea,
and the Yellow, S^a,* to ]Vfadras.
Delay to the Voyage ariffng frlfir the'Prevalence of eafteriy-Winds.— §|j
Hand of Lkriiay.—Off iFfepnofiu^ta&d aft- $keTflaiid of Pafchti-
fan.—Obfervations— The.S|ijj> unfortunately 'wrecked on a
coraLReef.-neartthe Iffand nf Typl-idgr^ 1 T~ | I(j 2
chat. ir.
Singular Humanity of die NatLves’bfJTypinfan ,to us in onr diftrpl&d
Situation.—Ikferiptiofeof’ their Country, Manners, and Habita- *
tioflSt—Groups o f tht|Midjicocemah"'%afSs<;tributaty to ^thtAe o f’’ *
Liquieux— Arrival in^tfTy^i-^iip'ofaltof-'-part ofifthe Ctefy bh1 ?1
Sboard His Majefty’s S|ip Swift.—Departure^irn'Ctilru firrvey ~|i
the Coafts of Tartary ^nd-Corea, jg^,
• CHAP. m.
Pefcadore Hands.—In Ngpachan Harbour,- Great Lieuchieux—De-
feription of the Inhabitants, &c.-Departure from it towards
J*pan> I ’ |j 209
Paffage along the fbuth and eaftern'CoaftsVof Japan»—White Point._j
Arrival for*the fecon^Titne?J'St1..FnderjiiO' Harbour, Tnfa-. Sufpi
.cious Behaviour of thS Japanefe fettled ‘there,