■book "Moderate breezes arid iiazy weather, winch foon
v— — > increafcd to a thick fog; and we had the wind
AjrîHotE. iaftérly. ’ 'Ha^nrg'^ghed fonfl) a ft^ naon;^ we dood
over the Lima Iflands, and tacked clofe in the.* paffàgè
. which, divides the outers iftmds; and before dark we
Came to an anchor near Poo-tory in IS-fathoms,
.sift.' - The-f^me Hvdàfher-Âih continued from the w. SB.*
and fo foggy as to prevent our feeing the points which
form the paffage to-ie a betweemJPoo-tory1 and the
Grand Lima. I moft fincerely lamented this delay
2ad* fo contrary to my expectations. ‘f*Mor had we the
lead, profpeét of a change of wind to permit our
getting to lea, the breeze âtiâ fog dill chritfonihg as
before. '$
On Sunday we'got under way»; ®h© Tog hating-
difperfed ; and we fetched well up with the. ead
extreme of the Great Limh,tacking cfofe in with a
feaall hay -to the Wed-of ithe
honfés. As wé doOd for Poo-fory-we -had , finally
anddhick weather .from thé N. Ev\quarter ; and-feeuag
no profpeét of cleaSing the paffage ' before .dark,
we bore up, .and came to an anchor in, 15 fathoms1-;
extreme, point ofPoo-tory bearing N! &(F E. one
mile, and the extreme of Grand Litha S.. 45*. It
blew drong in the night, and we hâd à larg-e' îwèll
which dilh;eontinued,.notwi1bdanding th e wind mode*
rated therfdllowing day. As, the-wind kept invariably
fixed, in, theeafternquarfer, ,we employed the boats
watering at* the head*of a-final! bay, within a rocky
id et ron the weftern part; o f ’Poo-to^g; Many fifliihg-
boats- took fheltey in. it for tfe? fa-me purpofe,- as-
they found'good ^dhoragei.and protection |frpnai the*
eadeiiy^wind^; .tfaf foandfogf- were
tivo fathoms. & a.>
1 Erefh breezes and clear,- weather, • with - the- wind'
ati^cN^E.^induced mo-to;get under way, notwith-
danding ’the heavy fwell againd • us. -W6 plfod to the
eadwafdlineffotSfcualiy all the afternooni, andfindfogwe
could laCtr weather the - Grand1 Lima •fe^ibre '.nighf,
and the anchorage ,being.ineiigifete for the
we were' onee mdre neeeffitafod ;to - bear tip for- ,©ui?
-former birth, and came to in 12 fathoms»' th^ppipf1
of Poo-to^EnS. E*4hreh'n?^9ur miles. -ThrongboBfer
to n ig h t we had fsondaht bgb6®%g feomhtta 4WSfir;'
ward. The mdtni^itwas c^m, with pl ^bf onf ~
and fbon after noon; a breeze of; wind fj^mging up
from the S.-’W^i ipikrfar;. we iinmedihtely‘ got imder
wajb and made fail - to - the eaftw ard* with; th e ebb •
i fide' fo - our favour. The fchooner not bsing hhfo
to .wCathef Poo-4©f'y,:bicpaffed to the North ofl ib had -
g h ' v ’*1 <, '* ,■ South.
C-HAJ&;. K
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